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We contact and locate a rebel medical ship to get Luke to. When we landed in the hangar lots of droids and other doctors came rushing over to help get him off the Falcon and into some good care.

We waited inside the room with him as a droid attached a prosthetic hand to his arm. His was similar to Anakin's but if he opted to have it covered in a flesh like substance so it looked even more realistic. My heart hurt seeing as it reminded me of the days back on Naboo with Ani. It reminded me of when Anakin lost his very own hand to Dooku. It reminded me of the way Anakin's metal fingertips gripped my hand that day at the alter.

Shaking my head and clearing it to focus on Luke, I noticed he was very out of it. His eyes held pain, sadness, and even a bit of betrayal. Curiosity got the best of me, seeing as I know it wasn't because of the hand.

"Hey Luke...how are you feeling?" I asked softly. I walked up to him and rested a hand on his back, moving it up and down gently to help soothe him.

"I'm alright I guess." He answered back quietly. He continued to move his new hand around until he stopped. He looked up at me, his eyes still clouded over with the aforementioned emotions. "Rosie, can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Anything" I forced a smile, scared to hear what he was going to say.

"D-did you know my father?" He deadpanned. "I remember you said you did and that he died..." my heart stopped beating at his words. He knew, he had to have.

"I-I did know your father" I answered, looking down to the floor.

"He's not dead is he?" Luke glanced up at me; he looked heart broken.

"No, no he's not" I shook my head stepping away from him.

"It's Vader, isn't it? He told me it was him. Is it true?"

"Yes. It's true." I said sighing. A terrible thought came to my mind, making home hope and pray Anakin didn't mention me yet, I wasn't ready to tell him. "Did he- did he mention anything about your mother?"

"No. No, he didn't. Did you know her too?" He asks me softly. I felt a weight loft off my chest as I realized I didn't have to tell him why I lied to him just yet, even if I had a good reason. Now I just needed to come up with a good way to explain me and Anakin's tragedy.

"I did know your mother" I answered simply. "She was a great person when she was pregnant with you."

"Well can you tell me about her? What did she look like? What was she like in general?" He asked, clearly eager to hear about the one parent of his who didn't attempt to kill him.

"Well, your mother was...very in love with your father. Your fathers name before he became Darth Vader was Anakin, Anakin Skywalker. He was a great guy and one of my best friends. I loved him just as his your mother did." I whispered, taking a seat beside him. "I was also very good friends with your mother. She was a very strong women and at first, she was hesitant to go out with Anakin. In the end, her love ended up being to strong to contain and they got married after fighting for their loved together in a crazy arena battle. Anakin was a very good Jedi but he wanted more, more power. When your mom was pregnant with you Anakin had dreams of her dying in child birth. When I say dreams, I really mean premonitions. He had lost his mother because of these visions and he didn't want to lose her as well so he went out to seek a way to stop someone from dying. Someone very close to him turned out to be a Sith Lord and used the power of the dark side to lure him in; the emperor. That's how he became Darth Vader. Your mother died in child birth, just as Anakin had predicted." I finished, releasing a sigh from my lips. I had to catch my breath.


I let her go. I couldn't take her, especially after I saw the look in her eyes as she looked in to see Han as a block of carbonite. I hurt her and I hated myself for it. I wanted to give her some time but I know I cant go much longer without her; I have to get her back. And soon. Just the feeling of her being that close to me again makes me dizzy. She's intoxicating. I need her and I will do everything in my power to get her again. To have her by my side once again.

I sold Han to Jabba the Hut back on Tattoine, making it very known to Jabba they're coming and to not harm her. I know her and her friends are going to go there to rescue him, they're too good.

Luckly, I informed Jabba about her and her friends so when they arrive, he will give me a call on the com link I gave him. For now I'm just sitting here waiting for that call, the call that will bring happiness back into my life.


"I'm going to go to Tattoine for a little while. Alone. I have somethings to think about and to do on my own." Luke told everyone after me and him finished our little talk. It didn't go on for much after as he was see in thought.

"Luke you don't have to do this alone" Leia argued. "Plus we could use your help in trying to rescue Han back."

"Leave Han to me. My main priority is to get him back but I don't want any of you to get hurt in the process of doing it so I'll handle it." Luke told her.

"Fine" she conceded, releasing a sigh. I think we all knew fair well she was lying and was going to start ordering us around the second Luke left. "

"I'll be back" he told us before hopping into a cruiser with Artoo and flying away.

"We can't just sit here and expect him to fix everything" Lando pointed out.

"We're not. Get in the Falcon. I'll explain the plan on the way there." Leia told us, ushering us all into the now familiar ship as we flew off to go rescue Han.

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