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Luke just looked away. I could see the pain and betrayal in his eyes. I glared at the emperor. He knew exactly what he just did because he smirked mockingly at me.

"I'm so sorry she lied to you" he said, fake sadness and sorrow laced in his voice. I looked at Anakin and saw his jaw clenched and his fist clenched at his sides as well. His eyes
were clouded over with so many emotions.

"I didn't lie to anyone I just wasn't ready to tell him" I snapped crossing my arms over my chest. The emperor just laughed then turned to look out the window. He turned to look at us again and smirked.

"I will never join the dark side" Luke said changing the conversation.

"Why is that? You are strong with the force let me teach you and you can stand along side of me and your father and rule the Galaxy" the emperor said gesturing to Anakin. I glanced over at him and saw his expression blank. I could no longer read his eyes.

"The dark side is not as strong as the Jedi."

"The dark side is stronger than the weak light side of the Jedi"

"Your faith in the dark side is your weakness" Luke snapped. I closed my eyes silently scolding him for saying that.

"Your faith in your friends is yours" the emperor snapped. I opened my eyes and looked over at Luke who's face contorted into a look of fear but changed into a sturdy and calm facial.

"My friends are strong and will defeat your troops on Endor. As we speak, the resistance is getting past your magnetic force field surrounding the Death Star. There they will destroy it once and for all." Luke said proudly. I was expecting the emperors demeanor to change for the worse but instead he just grinned.

"Have you ever thought that maybe I allowed your friends in the rebel alliance to find our exact location and codes to enter the Death Star? Maybe, I even made them believe the Death Star was not working and the shield was down but really the Death Star is fully operational and the shield is up and it's not coming down" he said smirking. My eyes widen in horror. This is a suicide mission. I looked at Luke who looked furious. "Come boy, see for yourself. From here you will witness the final destruction of the Alliance and the end of your insignificant rebellion."

Luke slowly walked over to the window and peered outside. He could see the alliances ships approach. Soon, out came a whole fleet of imperial tie fighters ready for battle. From the window you could see the whole battle going on. He turned around about to pounce and grab his lightsaber but stopped himself. "You want this don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed strike me down with it. Give into your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant." The emperor said trying to anger Luke even more.

"No" he replied and tuned back to the window.

"It is inevitable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine." The emperor said smirking. That was it. Luke sharply turned around and used the force to grab his lightsaber. He turned on swiftly and went to attack the emperor. He almost killed him when his hit was blocked. By a red lightsaber. My eyes followed the long weapon all the way up to who was holding the deadly thing and my heart broke. Anakin was holding it.

The next thing all happened in slow motion. Luke attacked Anakin. They began to fight each other. Each would attack then block. Anakin jumped up onto a ledge and threw his lightsaber at Luke. I cringed and turned away. I couldn't bare to watch it anymore.

"Your two boys fighting. Doesn't it hurt?" The emperor said, mock sympathy laced in his words. I didn't respond but instead I turned and glared at him. He just simply chuckled in response and turned to watch the fight.

"I will not fight you Father" I heard Luke said. I heard the sound of a lightsaber powering down. I opened one eye to peek at what was happening. I saw Luke leaning against a railing with Anakin walking dangerously slow towards him.

"Then you will die" he snarled and attacked him. Thankfully, Luke turned on his lightsaber in time and blocked this hit. I felt hot tears trickling down my face. Anakin almost killed our son.

The battling then continued for a while until it was silent. All I heard was the low hum of the light sabers and heavy footsteps coming form my husband.

"You cannot hide forever Luke" he said.

"I will not fight you father" Luke replied somewhere in the ship.

"Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way to save your friends. Yes, your thoughts are betraying you. Your feelings for them are too strong. Especially for," I heard him pause. "Sister. So you have a twin sister," he said that extra loud. "Your feelings have now betrayed her too. Obi Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the dark side then perhaps she will" I could practically hear the evil dripping in every word and the smirk lingering on his lips. I closed my eyes tightly. He now knows about Leia.

"Never!" I heard Luke yell and heard his quick footsteps signaling he ran out from where ever he was hiding. The next sound was the loud and terrifying sound of lightsabers clashing against each other in battle. I finally opened my eyes and saw them fighting each other near a thin walk way. All of sudden Luke knocked Anakin's light saber from his hand and kicked him down. He was about to kill him when I sprinted over and leaned over Anakin.

"No you can't do this!" I yelled holding one hand up and the other was wrapped around Anakin's body. I saw Luke's face come to realization and he shut off his lightsaber and threw it away. I quickly grabbed Anakin's head and lifted him up so he was eye level with me. He looked defeated.

"I'm so sorry" he said. His voice cracking with sadness.

"Shhhh it's ok" I said cradling him to my chest and hugging him. At least he was alright and so was Luke and hopefully Leia.

"I am a Jedi. Like my father before me" Luke said to the emperor confidently. I felt like a proud mom when he stood up to him like that. That feeling didn't last very long.

"Then you and your mother can feel the true power of the dark side" he growled standing up and slowly starting towards us.


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