Chapter 3

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10 minutes later,Justin is all cleaned up and ready for bed.On the other hand I needed a bath after him splashing water on me.

"I can take from here,thanks sweetie!",she sighed as I handed Justin over to her and walked over to my room.I didn't bother to double check my homework,I'm exhausted and I need time to think.I always thought mom liked to be in control of her work.

One thing I always thought mom could do to make her life more interesting was going out on dates but I never took that into consideration.

"Honey are you asleep?",mom came into my room and set beside me.

"I know I'm not your favourite person right now but I need your support", she sighed.

"You'll always be my favourite person in the whole wide world,but I just wish that you should have spoke to me first",I exhaled as mom pulled me in her arms."I'm so sorry honey,I was caught off guard",she apologised.

"It's okay mom,I forgive you and know that you have my full support",I sighed.

"Thanks honey!",she said in her motherly sweet voice which I can't resist when she has a request.

" long will you be gone for!?", I honestly asked.

"Well about 3-4 weeks,if I like it there",she sighed.

"I love you so much,so I'm gonna let you go but on one condition!",I exhaled locking my eyes with hers.

"And what? If I may ask!",she sighed.

"Only if you have so much fun and enjoy yourself because the next vacation will be a family vacation, understand?!",I got serious.

"Yes ma'am!",she saluted as we burst out in laughter.

"Remember when we took our first vacation,just you and me?",I had a flash back.

"Yeah,we got lost and found a bar in the middle of nowhere...!",

"It turned out to be a gay bar!",we laughed.

"It was so awkward and weird!",

She laughed.

"Do you have any idea how awkward and weird things are going to be in here!",a frustrated Megan showed up in my room.

"Oh honey,we're sorry if we disturbed you!",mom apologized.

"No it's okay,I was just going through my scripts",she sighed.

"What time is it?!",I yawned.

"Time for all of you to go to bed!", she ordered.

"Good night guys!",I sighed pulling the quilt over my head as mom turned off the light and shut the door.

Sharing how you feel does really help.if I've gone to bed not sure how I feel,I wouldn'thave known why mom is doing this.


I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm and got out of bed as the slightly cold breeze hit me.

Stepping outside my room I sighed as I heard chaos bumming all over the house,the twins fighting, Justin is crying, Megan's stereo is on maximum volume.

Me and Crystal the only people who were feeling sleepy and everyone around us were wide awake.

I quickly showered and put on my black skinny jeans,white shirt and white Nike sneakers.Pulling my hair in a messy bun and applying light make-up.Quickly grabbing my bag and headed downstairs but not after snatching my phone off the charger.

"Good morning everyone!",I joined them for breakfast.

"Morning,guys you know the drill and I don't want to be late,so you have 10 minutes left and after that I need everyone buckled up and ready to go,okay!?",she exhaled as she prepared lunch for Crystal and the twins.

"Okay,everyone let's go!",she ordered.

"The ride to school was silent and everyone was minding their business. Mom's driving which means 'don't disturb',Megan is busy on her phone probably texting and tweeting her friends,you can see that by the smirk on her face,I think we should give her the boy talk and stuff she's growing up fast.The twins are fortunately having a conversation and not butting each others heads off.

Crystal is humming to a song on the radio which I don't know and taking in the view outside.

She's new and I don't know her that well but I think mom should bring out the princess in her,probably when she comes back from her vacation.

Baby Justin is chewing Megan's bag and she will flip out when she gains consciousness.In T-3,2,1,Now!

"What the,Mom Justin is drooling all over my bag and now it's wet,look at him acting all innocent,the kid is evil I'm telling you!!",she exhaled looking up and cursing the universe.

Mom starts with the furthest school which is Justin's day care.She stopped outside took Justin in and came out in about 5 minutes.

"Mom did you hear what I just said,", Megan exhaled as mom got back in the car.

"If you weren't so literally attached to your phone,you would have stopped Justin and mind your language,my boy ain't evil!", mom sighted.

20 minutes later,mom is making her last stop and that's my school.

"Bye,mom and have a nice day!", I exclaimed as I got out of the car.

"You too honey,I love you!",she yelled as she disappeared in the sunrise.

Staring at the main entrance,I gather myself and the bell rang as I walk inside.I hope this day gets by quickly and I can go home.I hate socializing and I only have one best friend whom I love and respect besides my mom.You are going to meet her in a few minutes.

Grabbing my books in my locker and heading towards Mr Adams class,I increase my walking pace because he doesn't want any late comers.

I felt a tight grip on my hand and was quickly turned to hit the nearby lockers hard.

"What!!",I exclaimed.

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