Chapter 27

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"So what are we doing today," I cheered. Life was now back to normal but minor things have changed, mom was going out on dates, many dates. Taylor went back home, that week was so sad, my room was empty! We promised to stay in touch.

Mom was taking Crystal to the beach and everyone tagged along except me. I'm
not a fan of the beach, I very much prefer a pool. The beach is so salty.
Oh well, it's Saturday morning and I'm looking forward to doing something with my best friend.
She just arrived at my house.

"Oh my! You don't know," she said.
"Don't know what?" I was confused.
"Sit down," I sat, this sounds serious.
"Q, you're scaring me," I said.
"I was on Facebook minding my own business...and, and I saw something," she paused.
"Q!" I exclaimed.
"Oh sorry, Tasha, Alex is in hospital," she said.

"What?" I stood up.
"Yes he was stabbed," she said.
"Oh my word! Let's go and see him," I grabbed my bag and gave Q her car keys.
"T it's very critical and I doubt they're gonna let us see him," she said.
"I don't care," I opened the door.

"You have to tell me everything," I exhaled as we got in the car.
"I don't believe this," I closed my eyes.
"Tasha don't cry," she said.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I don't know but he was stabbed by his friend, the one Kenzie cheated with," she said.
"Oh Alex!" I cried.
"I'm so sorry, you know he's very strong," she exhaled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well I saw the video online and he didn't back down, his friend stabbed him like more than ten times until he collapsed," she said.
"You watched a video?" I asked.
"Yeah I had to see if it was really him or not," she said.
"When was he stabbed?" I asked.
"Yesterday night at his house," she said as we parked at the hospital.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked.
"Yeah," I got out.
"What if you meet Kenzie inside?" She asked.
"You'll have to hold me so that I won't stab her," I exhaled.
"You're not a family member, they won't let you in," she said.
"We'll see about that," I walked in the waiting room.

"Kenzie," I can't say I didn't expect her to be there.
"What are you doing here?" She came up to me.
"I'm here to see Alex," I said firmly.
"Over my dead body," she said.
"It will be dead soon if you don't get out of my way.
"Is that a threat? Believe me you're the last person he wants to see," she laughed.

"Look at you, you have a terrible odour and I can see it in your eyes that you don't feel any guilt,you should be ashamed of yourself!" I exclaimed. There were eyes on us and I bet security will show up any time soon.
"Well I am not ashamed, I didn't stab him," she said.
"You're the reason he was stabbed," I said.

"I didn't know that nerds have a thick skull, look nerd get this through your thick skull, Alex chose me and not you, you are nothing to him," she smiled.
"You know I applaud you, you really put an innocent soul in danger, no wonder he keeps coming back to you, you're a loose woman but look where it got him today, get out now!" I exclaimed.

"You get out!" She yelled.
"I think both of you should go," the doctor showed up with two securities.
"How is he doing doctor?" W asked.
"We're doing our best and please, we don't need this drama," she said.
"Can I see him doctor?" Kenzie asked.

"He's in surgery, he has a very severe head trauma," she said.
I felt like I was losing consciousness so I had to sit down.
"Let's go T," Q said.
"Please doctor if anything happens notify me," I stood up.
"And who are you?" She asked.

"Good question," Kenzie smiled.
"I'm his friend," I said.
"And I'm his girlfriend," Kenzie said.
"Well I can't have the both of you in the same room so, it's either you decide who's going to see him when he gains consciousness or let him decide, understand?" She asked.

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