Chapter 29

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"Hi Shawn, can I help you?" I asked worried.
"I apologize for calling up this late but I can't reach Alex and it's been for days," he doesn't know.
"Okay, can I ask where did you get my number?" I asked.

"Alex put your name and contact details for situations like this one, I hope you don't mind," he said.
"He did that?" I asked.
"Yeah, can you tell me where he is?" He asked.
"Alex was stabbed weeks ago and he's in hospital," I said.
"What! Is he okay?" He asked.

"He's in a comma," I said.
"Oh my, who would do such a thing?" He asked.
"His friend apparently," I exhaled.
"Look Tasha I have some bad news for him and I need him now," he said.
"Did you find his mom?" I asked.
"I'm afraid I can't tell you that," he said.

"I get it," I sighed.
"Please do me favour, please contact me immediately if he wakes up," he said.
"Okay," I said.
"Thank you," he hung up.
Wow, bad news?  I hope they aren't that bad.
I hope his mom is okay, he's been through a lot.

"Hello,Charlie," I said as she picked up.
"Hey T," she greeted.
"Hey, I just got a call from Alex's PI and he was looking for him and he said he has some bad news," I said.
"What," She exhaled.
"Yeah I told him that Alex is in hospital," I said.
"Thanks for calling me Tasha, I guess he'll have to wait," she exhaled.

"I guess so," I said.
"This sucks," she started to weep.
"Please don't cry Charlie," I said.
"It's all my fault Tasha!" She cried out.
"No it's not," I said.
"Yes it is, I got married and left him," she said.
"You didn't stab him," I exhaled. My eyes were getting very teary.

"If I didn't leave he'd probably be awake and fine, you know he assured me that he'll be okay many times and I bought it. He's been drinking a lot since I left," she cried.
"I know you care a lot about him but you can't take the blame and please stop crying you need to be strong, we need to be strong because we're here now and we want him to feel that," I said.

"You know ever since he met you he saw the meaning of his life," she said.
"Charlie-" she cut me off.
"I know, I know, you guys aren't dating and you're right, we should be strong," she said.
"Now go to your husband, you need him and probably he needs you too," I said.
"You're a good person Tasha, thank you so much," she said.

"I try, get some sleep okay?" I asked.
"Okay," we hung up.


Alex has been in a comma for more than two months and I'm not complaining but life is boring without him. And I only saw him that one time. I wasn't grounded anymore and by that I got to hang out with my best friend and breath a little.
I was at the library with my talkative friend when I received a call from Charlie,

"Hey," I greeted.
"He's awake!" She almost busted my eardrum.
"Alex?!" I exclaimed standing up.
"Yeah, come right now!" She exclaimed with joy in her voice.
"Come on," I grabbed my confused friend.
"I'm on my way," I hung up.

"What's going on Tasha?" Q asked.
"Alex is awake please take me to the hospital," I got in the car.
"Wow!" She cheered.
I was having mixed emotions all the way to the hospital but overall I was thankful.
"So, is Kenzie here?" Q asked as she parked.
"I don't know," I exhaled.

"Okay,lets go," she stepped out of the car.
"Do I look appropriate?" I asked nervous.
"You look sexy my friend he's so gonna choose you," Q laughed.
"He better," I smiled.

"Charlie," I called out.
"Hey, you made it," she hugged me.
"Of course, what is he doing? Oh and please introduce yourself guys,I got to go," I said and she immediately got in my way.
"The doctor is doing some checkups, uhm... Kenzie is inside," she said.
"Oh, when did she arrive?" I asked with a frown.

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