Chapter 14

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"Come on Q,it'll be fun!" I begged Q to have lunch with Alex and me.

It was refreshing to see her,we hadn't had time to chat because we've had many quizzes and we'll not have any time soon because I don't attend the after lunch classes with her.

I arrived a few minutes early and so I told her about the invite to lunch,she was pretty cool about it and now she's freaking out.

She's claiming that she'll be the third wheel but I convinced her that her and Alex will get along just fine.

"Now you know how I feel when I'm trying to take you somewhere," She smiled.

"Please?" I tried to pull of some puppy cute eyes but she didn't budge.

"Okay,I'll answer your daily questions," I exhaled as a huge grim grew on her face.

"For the whole week?" She asked.

"Yeah sure!,as long as you don't say something stupid and moniqueish," I sighed as I viewed the new message from Alex:

Parking lot,

"I like a boy who doesn't beg but just gets to the point," she sighed as she read the text.

"See,you already like him!" We walked towards the exit.

"What if the feeling is not mutual?" She stopped dead in her tracks.

"Then he'll have to get over you somehow because you're stuck me all the way," I grabbed her arm.

"You're right," she took deep breaths.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed.We saw his car and him beside it and I've got to say,he looked pretty cool and this time I hope he won't distract himself with his phone. He'd have to take in all this beauty.Just joking.

"Hey," he exhaled looking a little nervous as we got closer.

"Alex this is my best friend Monique,Monique this is Alex," I introduced them to each other.

"Let me correct that,since you're the best friend than I'm definitely the boyfriend,"Alex blurted out earning a huge slap on his arm from me.

"Awww!" He responded covering his arm.

"Easy tiger!" Q laughed.

"Shall we ladies?" He opened the passengers side, for him of course. "I guess I'm driving," I exhaled as Q jumped in the back seat.

"Same place as last time?" I asked as I put on my seat belt.

"No way,wouldn't want you drooling over that waiter again!" He teased.

"You're jealous,right Q?" I fixed the review mirror to see my best friend.

"Well according to the boy code, a cute guy like Alex wouldn't be jealous of a... and I quote "waiter" he was pretty freaked out or maybe doubted you," she took his side.

"I like you!" Alex fist bumped Q.

"The feeling is mutual," Q smiled.

"Who's side are you on?" I asked.

"The side that doesn't drool over waiters,so yeah McDonald's it is!" Q rolled her eyes and they fist bumped again.

"See,that's how it's done!" Alex turned to face me.

"What's done?" I asked,

"Rolling ones eyes,she's a natural! and how come you don't know how to when she's a master at it?.My friend you take best friendism for granted," Alex smirked,earning a chuckle from Q

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