Chapter 12

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"Hey,what you doing?" I tucked in Crystal.She looked so pretty.

"I can't sleep," she gestured for me to come sit near her.

"Okay,what's wrong," I sighed.

"Mom is leaving and I'm happy for her but she'll be away for while and I can't help it!" She said as I got inside the blanket.

"I can't promise anything but I know you'll be fine,all of us will!" I side hugged her as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Aren't you afraid?" She exhaled.

"I was but now I've let it slide," I yawned.

"I act all tough and emotionless but I'm really gonna miss her a lot," she sighed.

"Me too," I exhaled.

"Do you think she feels the same way about us?" She sighed.

I've never seen this side of Megan.

Not that I hate it but she is growing up and becoming a teen.

"Definitely,don't worry tomorrows gonna be our day to say goodbyes and enjoy her company plus meeting the new nanny and all," I shrugged.

"You mean today because it's almost 1 o'clock," she smiled.

"Yeah and my eyes are so heavy," I yawned.

"Before you sleep,tell me how was your date?" She went straight to old and cheerful Megan.

"I wasn't on a date!" I rolled my eyes.

"You have to talk to me because mom is leaving and you're stuck with me,"She smiled revealing her adorable dimples.

"I'm serious and you know that we aren't allowed to date until college graduation right?" I sighed

"Yes but mom has to understand that we're girls and you've grown up," She whined.

"Look at me,you're so beautiful, your smile is lovely especially your cute dimples and great body but that is only the outside and boys see that," I exhaled.

"Yeah," she sighed.

"Yes and we as family see the inside which is important and that is your sense of humour and generosity which lies within you," I nudged her playfully.

"I have that?" She wondered.

"You own that!" I nudged her again as she smiled.

"So you never dated before?" She asked.

"Yes and it feels great,it's like you're special," I sighed.

"Cool!" She exhaled.

"Mom always asked me what kind of love am I seeking in a boyfriend?.And I would say most girls are looking for any love. She would simply smile and say that don't I already have that love from her," I sighed.

"And you said," she exhaled.

"I always have and always will!" I sighed,for once Megan was listening to my stories.

"So what are you going to do about Alex?" She smiled as my eyes popped out.

How the hell did she knew about Alex.

"Yes I do know him,I've been playing dumb all this time waiting to hear it from your mouth but you weren't ready to!" She giggled.

"Who told you?" I whispered.

"Enough with the questions.What are you going to do about him?" she gloated.

"Nothing because we're not dating!"I exhaled.

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