Chapter 26

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What now!!
I reached to turn on my side lamp. My phone was ringing and it was around three o'clock.
There can be only one person I know that is probably awake at this time. ALEX!
And I was right.

"Sorry to wake you," he said.
"What do you want Alex?" I asked.
"Well someone is a little cranky," he laughed.
"Alex what are you doing?" I asked sitting up. What made me ask was his voice, he sounded like what a normal guy sounds like during the day.There wasn't a hint of sleep in voice at all, it was like a person across the world had called me.

"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I mean what are you doing right now," I said.
"I'm watching tv," he exhaled.
"Why aren't you bloody sleeping?" I asked.
"You know the answer to that question," he said.
"You're an insomniac," I said.

"Hell no! Mom always said that it was because I needed a bedtime story," he said.
"Well mommy is not here to tuck you in and tell you a fairytale," I said.
"But you are here," he said.
"Where's Kenzie?" I asked.
"Do you have to bring her up?" He asked back.

"Yes! It's her that you should be calling or maybe wake her up if she's next to you," I said.
"You sound jealous," he said.
"Jealous of what? You! Come on," I said.
"Well she's here isn't she and where are you,where are you now that I need you?" He sang the last part.
"I'm hanging up unless you were calling me for a much more important reason," I said.

"Okay geez, I just wanted to know if you got home safely and to also apologize for Kenzie's behavior," he said.
"I got home nice and safe, thanks," I yawned.
"I'm glad babe," he said and I just hung up...It felt great for a few seconds but guilt started to fill my heart later.
He said his reason and he was bluffing,I couldn't stand that, I'm tired and I just want to sleep.

Minutes after hanging up on him I recieved a text from him:

That was very rude! I like it! ;)
It was nice hearing your voice again now I'm definitely going to fall asleep because I'll be looking forward to dreaming of you...
You'll never hear from me ever again,I just want to try and respect our decision as much as I can.
Besides everyone I care about gives up on me.
Again,sorry for waking you up!

Now get your beauty sleep because you're BE-A-U-TIFUL!

I hope he does that, finally it's over! And since it is, I got to say it was also nice  hearing his voice again. I'm kidding but serious, both I guess.
Lights out!


A couple of days have gone by and life has been peaceful. Wonderful things have happened during those days, Justin is making excellent progress towards pronouncing my name and the doctor was right he's now okay. And we were expecting mom any day sooner which meant that everyone was on their best behavior even me, I wasn't hanging out with Alex anymore.

I last spoke to him since that day on the phone and at school he was minding his own business. I think maybe two days ago he waved at me,and I smiled back at him. Me and Q sorted things out and we're cool. And I so hope this was the last fight. I finally met her stepmother and she's something I'm telling you, she is more like Q, she's hyper, very good looking,she is a personal trainer.

I love her body, but I think she's a little younger that Q's father but who cares because age ain't nothing but a number,right?
"I'm off!" I yelled.
"Got the list?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah," I closed the door behind me.
"Justin you're heavy," I placed him in his car seat.

I was taking Justin out for a short grocery list.
It is going to be an in and out situation.
"Wow who's this?" A familiar voice said behind me.
I was now in the cereal aisle.
I slowly turned around,and met a smirking Tyler.
"Hi," my cheeks so wanted to frown but I finally got them to turn upside down.

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