Chapter 11

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Oh boy...

"Maybe next time!",I sighed.

"Come on!I thought you liked hanging out with me,"he whined.

"Dude,you know I never said that",I exhaled.

Does he really like to hang out with me or he's messing with me?

"Are messing around with me?" I found myself asking.

"What do you mean?"he sang.

"You said I am the first girl you ever had a normal conversation but you do have someone you talk to,well not always talking but creating music together,"I poured my heart out.

"Who?Charlie?"he laughed.

"What's so funny about that?"

"Look,Charlie and I are like brother and sister and you have to have a normal conversation with someone you consider family,"he sighed.

"Well since you put it that way," I exhaled wondering where the hell I'm driving to.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Beats me,I think we're lost,"I sighed.

"Home?"I exhaled.

"Why?"he locked his eyes with mine and of course for a few seconds because I was driving.

"Because I'm boring aren't I?"I finally managed to question him.Its been bugging me the whole day.

"No!why!" he smirked.

"Well you've been on your phone the whole day and it is rude but it's okay because I can go home right?"I finally realized where we were and I was glad I wasn't out of town.

"I'm sorry,I just figured it would be a distraction,"he turned it off instantly.

"From what?"I curiously asked.

"You,"he said calmly as he locked his eyes with mine once again.

"That's it,this is not a normal conversation with someone you like to hang out with,it's a pickup line!,and that's why I said you were messing with me and I hate that!"I exclaimed.

"It takes less than a minute to have any girls number and even more,"he didn't look at me this time.

"So?",I exhaled wondering where he was going.

"So I don't use pickup lines and I never had.It's the truth and I'm not being cheesy..." he stopped for a second.

"If I can take my words back,that time you asked me why I was suddenly interested in you?,I would have said 'I don't know' because I don't.Yes I like being around you and teasing you but I can't stand your face!" My mouth literally dropped and I froze.

Am I that ugly that he can't even look at me?.

I never thought boys were this insensitive!

I thought I was boring him but it was worse.Yep that's what you get for listening to your best friend who told you that 'he likes you', 'he likes you',he likes you',

Only to find out he thinks you're ugly.

I should have guessed it the moment he mentioned I had changed.But he offered a hug for my change.

I need to lie down.

I know from the bottom of my heart that I'm not as appealing as many girls my age but to hear it from a guy.It sucks a lot.

"You are beautiful!"

"What!!",I exclaimed as I parked outside my house.

"You are BEAUTIFUL and I can't stand it,you're torturing me!" I tried to process what he'd just sad.

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