Chapter 5

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"Okay,promise me you won't laugh at me or do something Moniqueish!",I stated and she huffed.

"I'm not gonna answer your questions anymore because you're slowly changing the subject!",she exhaled.

"And by the way I promise!",she added.

"Hey,McCarthy!!,Come over here!",

Alex shouted more like ordered and I rolled my eyes and turned to look at Q."Cheer up!,it's the first time he said anything other than saying he owns you", she stated.

"So?!",I asked."Go over there and hear him out and if only if he talks shit,call me over and I'll teach him what his mother never taught him, some manners!",she ordered.

Seems like I've been getting orders lately and I hate.

"K fine,I'll be right back!",I exhaled as I got up.

"Ooh,and McCarthy!,think about our little conversation while you're there okay!",she teased as I rolled my eyes at her.Wonder why boys call us by our last name,it's kinda weird I'm telling you.

I walked over to the table where they were all gathered.The was no sign of a nerd in that block so yeah,people were staring at me.

Okay Tasha,pull yourself together and be in control,represent the nerd nation.I pep talked myself as I crossed the boarder and entered the PopularVille,population- Jorks/Cheerleaders/Players/Alex.

I glanced at the person who called  me and didn't bother to greet anyone. I rolled my eyes as one of the cheerleaders said I was 'disgusting',it did sting but I shrugged it off,I'm gonna tell Q and we're going to laugh about it and I'll  be alright, it always helps.

"Don't mind them baby,come sit here!",one of Alex's friend sighed,gesturing to his lap and now I was the one who's disgusted.

"Guys live her alone,walk with me!", he defended me.


That's a first,Alex Hoffmann is siding with a nerd.God am I dreaming.

Pulling myself together but not after pinching my arm,he leads me towards the exit and entered the halls.

"Here's the deal buddy,I can do your homework,give you money and my lunch.That's what you have on the table only!,understand?,or let me make it simple.You only have three wishes,so start wishing so that I can get this over and done with!",I sighed looking at his smirked face.

The bell rang cutting him off and I was glad.

"Hold that thought big fella!",I yelled as I went over the bathroom quickly.

"I'm !#$/^&&*!!",he yelled and I couldn't hear what he said due to the students filling the halls like bees.I turned to spot him and gestured how I didn't hear him and ran to the bathroom.Looking in the mirror,I was impressed,before I couldn't even say or mouth a word to a boy and there I was speaking my mind in front of the cutest guy in school.

It's sad that I don't attend the after lunch classes with Q.If I were, we would have talked about this all day.

But she'll come over my house later and we'll catch up.Heading towards my class I quickly text mom and told her that I'm gonna be late and I'll catch a bus.I know Mr. Adams already informed her about me being  late so there's no use telling her over the phone.I'm probably grounded and in dish duty.


Time flys when you're somewhere else.I have loads and loads of homework and quizes for next week but thats no problem to me.The final bell rings indicating that the day is over but not for me.

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