Chapter 34: Final Chapter

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"Come in," I turned to the door.
"Hey, you ready?" A smirking Alex walked in.
"Yep, how do I look?" I asked.
"You're okay," he walked towards me.
"Really, I thought I would be stunning or maybe dead gorgeous," I exhaled.
"It's just the lipstick," he said.
"What's wrong with my lipstick?" I asked.
"It won't look good on me," he wrapped his arms  around my waist.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"When we kiss you dummy," he smiled.
"Let's see," I said as we kissed.
"See," he gestured to his lips.
"Black looks good on you," I smiled.
"No it doesn't, I prefer the red one," he wiped his mouth.
"It's over there if you want to put it on," I smiled.
"If I put it on I will outshine you, I mean look at me," he twirled.
"You are so full of yourself," I said.
"And you like that don't you?" He winked.

"Can we just go," I grabbed my phone.
"Hey, you look out of this world," he held my hand.
"Are you saying that I'm an alien?" I asked.
"A sexy, dead gorgeous looking alien in fact," he flashed his smile.
"Then I approve," I smiled.
"Let's get this over and done with," he exhaled.
"Nervous?" I asked.
"Nope it's just a graduation," he exhaled.

"Aren't you afraid of going out to the real world?" I asked.
"Baby, I was born ready," he smiled.
"So you aren't afraid that you won't be cool and the popular guy anymore?" I asked.
"No I'm not!" He exclaimed.
"So you aren't afraid that the world would eat you up and spit you out?" I asked.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you so negative?" He asked.
"I'm just stating the possible outcomes," I said.

"You got accepted to Harvard and I got a scholarship just because of you, we're together. What wrong can come out of this?" He asked.
"So you aren't scared?" I asked.
"McCarthy, with you by my side being scared is the last thing on my mind," he smiled.
"You are so sweet," I tried to hold back the tears.
"But we'll be thousands of miles away from each other," I said.
"Look at me," he lifted my chin.
"I'll try my best to see you and we'll talk everyday," he said.

"If you say so," I smiled.
"Come on let's go," he grabbed my hand.
We headed downstairs where everyone gathered.
"Finally!" Megan exhaled.
"We're ready," I smiled.
"Okay listen up! Hayden, Sam and Justin will go with me and Eric, Crystal and Megan will go with Taylor.Tasha, Alex, Monique and Charlie together and that's it, we have only have three cars parked outside," she arranged us.

"Let's go class of 2016!" Q shouted.


"I can't believe I'm done with high school," I exhaled.
"Yeah and now the hard part begins," Eric said.
We were now back home having lunch, a big feast all thanks to mom.
"I can't believe you're all grown up," mom smiled.
"And I'm just glad I won't have a big sister to embarrass me," Megan said causing us to laugh.
"I was so gonna bully you," I smiled.
"You wish," she laughed.

"So, I've been longing to ask about last Sunday," mom said causing me to cough.
"What was the deal between you two?" Taylor asked gesturing to me and Alex.
"I can explain," I cleared my throat.
"No let me explain," Alex said.
"So thing was, I didn't understand why girls were separated from boys. She invited me and that meant that I had to sit next to her, so basically I refused to sit with the men," he said.

"If you're in Rome, you do what they do, understand?" Mom asked.
"Yes ma'am it'll never happen again," he said.
"It better not," she said.
Way to make things awkward dear mom.
"When's your father arriving Q?" I tried to make conversation.
"He said he's around the corner," Q said.
"Okay," I said.

"Mrs Williams the food is amazing," Alex complimented mom.
"Thank you," mom smiled.
Then they stared to talk about food non-stop, from recipes to famous dishes and chefs, a boring topic for the rest of us. It's what they had in common and I think Alex won mom over, and Eric over there was getting jealous.
"I didn't know that you can cook," I tried to conversate with them.
"I don't cook darling, cooking is for average people, I make art just like your mom over there," he sealed the deal and had blown mom's mind away.

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