Chapter 16

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I quickly collected all the stuff mentioned in the list and I was thinking where the hell were we going to go to. Going to the subway was a great idea because I met someone very close to Alex, who isn't friends with Alex because he is popular at school and cool.
I prepared the hot chocolate and a part of me knew it wasn't for me.
I returned to the tv room and waited for his signal.

"Tasha,You guys are like my family now and I wouldn't want any of you getting hurt,physically and emotionally.Your mom trusted me so much she left me in charge of you guys and I don't want to disappoint her.What I'm trying to say is that please don't sneak out, I know I'm not your mother but I would like for you to tell me your whereabouts,so that I would know where to look if something happens," She said.

"I'm so sorry,it was very stupid of me and you're right, but please you're a big sister I never had and wouldn't want to hurt you.Thanks for caring about me,about us!" I embraced her.

"I'm glad you understand," she smiled.
"Am I a bad person?" I asked the question that was eating me up inside.
"What are you talking about?" She asked worried.
"I don't know why I didn't tell Q about meeting Alex,I mean we share everything that's what best friends do,"

"Hey,you're knew to this stuff,you're still trying to figure it out yourself.Q is your best friend and she'll understand," she said warmly.
"Thanks,his name is Alex Hoffman and I don't know where we are going to hang out but I'll inform you as soon as I know," I said.

My phone buzzed indicating a new message from Alex:


"Speaking of the devil!" She laughed.
"I'm sorry I have go but I promise to tell you how I met him!" I grabbed my bag and went outside.
I was shacking as I walked towards the car,not because of the slight breeze passing through but because I was nervous.

"Hi," I greeted him as I got in his car.
"Cute pyjamas but they're too pink!" He closed his phone and turned me.
"Thank you," I tried to use his technic of distracting myself with my phone but unfortunately he took it slowly and placed it next to his as he kept eye contact.

"Thanks for showing up," he smirked.
"Just promise me you're gonna seek medical help because you might have insomnia,"I suggested.
"Look at you worrying about boyfriend,you're the best girlfriend ever!" He poked me playfully.

"Never gonna happen,we haven't moved you know, I could just get out and leave so don't test me," I wore my serious face.
"Never gonna happen,you like me and I don't blame you I mean look at me," he gloated.
"You really don't wanna know what I see in you," I smiled thinking of all the horrible things facts I'd say to him.

"Enlighten me but if you're gonna hurt my don't bother," he adjusted his seat so that he could face the roof of the car.
"Then I'd rather not," I yawned.I miss my bed so much,such little things we take for granted.

"Okay,please adjust your seat as well,it'll be like you're in bed with me next to you of course," he smiled.
"Jerk!," I mumbled as we sat starring at the roof of the car.
Every 5 seconds he would turn to look at me and as I steal him on the corner of the eye he would smile and turn away.

"McCarthy," he said my name.
"Ha," I responded he turned to his side to face me and I didn't budge.
"How many wishes do I have left?" He asked in a low voice close to whispering.
His sound waves made my whole body vibrate.
"Don't answer that now,think about it,I'm in no hurry," he said.

"Alex,"I called him.
"Ha," he looked up again.
"What is the meaning of hanging out?" I asked him.
"Well hanging out to me is all about chatting,laughing, knowing more about each other,having food of course and if you're wondering if we're going to go somewhere than don't wonder anymore because we're staying right here," he exhaled.

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