Chapter 8

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The bell rang and I was glad I didn't have detention.
My phone buzzed with a new message:

Honey.Can you catch a bus,I'm so sorry...
- mom

Great.Just great.(note sarcasm)
I heard a horn and I didn't budge.
"Hey!",a much familiar voice shouted.I slowly turned around and stared at Alex.
"What!",I exclaimed.
"Guess who's catching a ride home with me?!",he sighed stepping out of his car.
"Uhm,let me see.Not me!",I sighed and crossed the road over to the bus stop.

"Look out!",Alex nudged me to the ground.Much like how I first met him but today it hurt.
"What!",I yelled with tears in my eyes,my head,side and ankle hurt.
"You should be careful when crossing roads!,don't you know the no.1 rule:look left,right and left again?",he shouted at first and then saw how I was hurt.
"Are you okay?",he came closer gesturing to my ankle.

"Hey Alex!,it's that nerd you saved the other day",Alex's friend shouted.I didn't even notice a little crowd was surrounding us.
"Yeah it's her!",he sighed looking at me.
I turned around and painfully sat on the bench waiting for the bus.
A nerd,yes I am and I've accepted it a long time ago but to hear it from Alex.What did I expect,him defending me in front of the whole school.No way he wouldn't want to ruin his reputation.

He could've have just said 'she has a name'.Maybe I wouldn't be this angry.I didn't even see the car that tried to hit me,now that is weird,it just disappeared but something that disappears is something that was visible.The damn car never even appeared.
Telling me about the no.1 rule like I never went to kindergarten.
I'm the guineas here.
Getting on the bus,I looked over the window and saw Alex talking to his friends like nothing's happened.

To hell with his wishes,I never want to see him again if that's possible.


I arrived home and everyone was busy,mom was packing,the twins were preparing for game night,
Megan,Crystal and Megan's friend Ashley were going to the mall with Ashley's mom.And Justin who I'm babysitting according to this note on the fridge.
Taking peas from the fridge for my aching ankle,I plopped myself on couch,It's Friday.
"What happened to your ankle?!",

Q sighed as she let herself in and set next to me.
"Alex happened!",I exhaled looking at my best friend as she tried to hold in her laugh.
"Okay,tell me I'm ready!",she laughed.
"Do I have to!?",I sighed giving her the puppy eyes.
"Yes,yes,yes!",she exclaimed and found her comfy spot on the couch.


Much,much later I was done filling in Q on the incident and to my surprise she wasn't that angry and oh she made me start the whole story from the part when we went out for lunch.
"So let me get this straight,you went out for lunch and you ordered a burger.You looked at another guy while you were sitting with the hottest guy on earth and you got into a fight.

Later he offered you a lift and for some reason you didn't want to.
He saved your life and humiliated you in front of the whole school and on top of that he hurt you and on top of top of that he didn't apologize at all!",she exhaled.
I love the way she talks with her hands,it makes the story more interesting.
"Yep",I said calmly as I scrolled down the tv channels.

"Listen to me carefully,I think for my whole experience in the dating  world.Alex likes you,end of story!",she sighed more cheerfully   and this time not over a pair of shoes which she has but wants another colour to 'spice' up her closet.
"Aha!",I said calmly as I found something to watch.
"Are you even listening to me?!", she grabbed the remote and tossed it on another couch.
"Yes!,and No, for the first time in an hour you're wrong",I sighed.

"Hey you may be right all the time but this time,you're looking at it the wrong way.WRONG I'm telling you!",she sighed.
"Which way is it then?",I exhaled in frustration.
I hate it when boys come in between us,it has always been Q dating the wrong guys but this time it was Alex!.
"Why would Alex leave all the girls in school and decided out of the blew that he wants to eat with a nerdy nerd and take her out on a date.Why would he let you out of all people drive his precious car.Why would he risk his life to save your nerdy ass.Why would he get jealous when you admit to have a crush on a boy?!",she preached and desperately  needed an amen.

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