Chapter 24

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"You did great kiddo!" I hugged Megan.
"Thanks, Sam I hope you got all of that in the video," she turned to Sam.
"Yep! Especially the last part," Sam exclaimed.
"Shut up!" She yelled.
"Okay guys break it off, let's go home its late," Taylor said.

"Thanks for the hair and makeup Q, she stood out!" I said to Q as we got in the car.
Q offered to take me home and I was okay with it.
"So, how's your step mom?" I asked.
"So,are you seeing him tonight?" She asked changing the topic.

"Come on Q I'm serious," I said.
"Come on T I'm serious," she air quoted my words.
"Fine,I get it you don't want to talk about it," I gave up.
"Thank you," she said.
"I think I'm gonna text him to come over as soon as everyone goes to sleep," I blurted.

"Sneaky girl you are!" She laughed.
I just looked at her.
"I never thought you could be this desperate," she continued to laugh at me.
"This is not funny," I said.
"Okay I'm sorry,this shows that you really care about him," she calmed herself.

"I just hope he's not that mad that he doesn't show up," I said.
"Don't worry he loves you, and please please I'm begging you to not sound desperate he'll make you do something," she begged.
"I'll try,and I'm begging you to stop saying that he loves me," I said.

"It's a deal, now what are you going to say? Start from the text," she got all excited.
"I missed this non-programmed Monique," I smiled.
"Stop it you'll make me cry, now let's practice," she said.


"Goodnight!" I yelled as I waved goodbye to Q.
"Don't forget to not type or say many pleases or apologizes,be in charge!" She drove off.
I hope it works!! I better know what I'm doing or else I'm doomed,

I stepped inside the house, we ate dinner which was prepared by me of course and it was delicious, I used one of mom's recipes and it all came up together. We later watched an animated movie picked by Hayden and it was great, a very nice lesson and it's one of the movies you can't get enough of.

After the movie everyone went to bed and I hopped into the shower in order to refresh and now,I am on my bed looking at the ceiling,before I do anything I have to tell Taylor, and I'm shaking in my boots,I don't know what to say.

"Taylor," I called.
"Yeah," she said. Maybe I should've wrote a note or something, okay Tasha you didn't its now or never and besides you're only seeing Alex tonight because you want to leave thing's okay between you and him.
"I'm meeting Alex tonight if that's okay with you," I said and closed my eyes waiting for her response.

"You know your mom made me promise to never let you hang out with this boy," she confessed.
"What!" I sat up.
"Yeah she did and do you want to know why I'm not keeping that promise?" She asked.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I trust you and she must also,I'm giving you a chance to prove yourself," she said.

"Thanks, I guess this is a yes?" I said more as a question.
"Be careful boys are just boys, they only want one thing," she said.
"You sound like my mom," I said.
"If that's a compliment than thank you," she yawned.
"Your kids are going to turn out great because of you," I said.
"Yes they are and thanks again," she said.

"You're welcome,now get yourself some sleep," I said.
"Thanks again for dinner," She closed her eyes.
How can mom do this to me, she didn't trust me and I don't blame her. Okay, this is what I'm going to do, I'm gonna apologize to Alex and we're still going to continue with our decision.

'Hey,it's me. Can we talk? Meet me at my house in a hour after you've received this message.' I texted him. I hope he doesn't stand me up.
Okay now I wait. What if he doesn't get it? He didn't show up on Sunday so what's gonna make him show up now?
These were one of many questions which were flooding my mind as I waited and waited.

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