Chapter 30

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*Tasha's outfit*

"So how's everyone?" Q asked as we sat on our table in the cafeteria.
"Q you're really a physic," I said.
"What do you mean?" She asked confused.
"Remember when you referred Eric as a father?" I asked.
"Yeah?" She asked.

"They are getting married," I exhaled.
"What!" She laughed.
"I'm serious Q, she's engaged," I said.
"Wow," she smiled.
"Exactly," I exhaled.
"And how do you feel about that?" She asked.
"I don't care it's her life," I said.

"And?" She asked.
"And that's it!" I exclaimed.
"Oh okay, whatever! Moving on, my daily questions," she exhaled.
"Oh goodie!" I smiled.
"Sorry to interrupt," Kenzie interrupted with her unapologetic face.
"What do you want?" Q asked.
"Look, what you did to me at the hospital was unacceptable," she said.

"I'm sorry," I said.
"What?" Q turned to me.
"Just because people are mean to us doesn't mean we should return the favour," I said.
"Yeah it does," Q said.
"Well sorry won't fix this dear," she said.
"What can?" I asked.
"I don't know anymore, you clearly aren't listening to me, so I just have  to ruin you," she smiled.

"Makes you happy to say that right? Well go ahead for all I care," I said.
"With pleasure," she smiled.
"Come on now! Tasha you don't mean that," Q exhaled.
"I do, I have nothing to loose! But her, she's at risk of going to jail for a very long time," I said.
"Don't you watch the news or read the papers honey? There's no evidence," she flicked her hair.

"They don't have anything evidence but I do," I said.
"You!?" She laughed.
"You bet," I smiled.
"What evidence do you have then?" She asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I smiled.
"Not exactly," she said.
"Then move along now, you have a life to ruin," I said.

"Whatever," she left. She came over here so confident but left in doubts.
"Wow, who are you and where's my best friend?" Q asked amused.
"I'm just tired of people thinking that they can mould me into what they want. Not this girl world! Watch out!," I exclaimed.

"You handled that very well my friend," she high fived me. "Thanks," I smiled. I actually did.
"But on a serious note? Aren't you worried?" She asked.
"Nope! You know all I wanted was a peaceful senior year but I realize now that what's wrong with spicing things up a bit," I said.

"I think I'm gonna keep this new Tasha," she smiled.
"You better, what do you think she'll do to me?" I asked.
"I knew you were worried but don't worry, Kenzie is all bark but no bite and you scared her a little bit," she said.
"I hope you're right," I said.
"Relax, maybe she'll spread a few rumors around," she exhaled.

"What?" I exclaimed.
"Don't worry, people don't know you and they'll probably not care," she smiled.
"Ouch,"I smiled.
"No offense," she laughed.
"Now back to my question- would you follow your heart or your mind?" She asked.
"That's a tough one," I smiled.
"You alway say that," she said...


It has now been weeks and Alex was being discharged today. Oh happy day! For people who he remembers. Not that I wasn't happy, I was.
Mom was preparing for her engagement party today, out of all days. And everyone was lending her a helping hand including me, believe me I didn't want to but I was forced.

I was currently shinning the glasses, apparently this is supposed to be the party of the year. Mom said it will be big, she invited her colleagues,  friends in church and in the neighborhood. I wasn't in the mood for partying, I never am.

"Earth to Tasha! Your phone is ringing," Megan snapped her finger in front of my face,
I quickly grabbed my phone and guess who was calling? ALEX!
Oh my, I'm freaking out right now. Must be a butt dial.
I sent him to voicemail so that maybe he would realize that it was me that he's calling, you know, the girl he doesn't know.

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