Chapter 20 (part I)

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I woke up, no wait.
Q woke up me up after a few, very few hours.
I didn't even remember how I climbed the stairs and got to bed. I didn't even get inside the covers.

"What time is it?" I asked as I got inside the covers.
"Time to wake up!" She exclaimed and grabbed the covers.
"10 minutes," I pleaded.
"10 minutes," she sighed and pulled the covers over me.
"Thank you," I closed my eyes.

"You better sleep," she said as she closed my door.
Did I? Big no!
I was thinking about today, thinking about Alex.
I was scared, not sure about what exactly but the thought of strangers around me didn't sit well.

What if Kenzie shows up? what if I make myself a fool in front of everyone? what's going to happen to me when Alex ignores me and I'm all alone? What if I don't fit in?
Those were the kind of questions going through my mind. And before I knew it time was up and my friend was in my room again and forcing me out of bed.

"Come with me," I said as she pushed me towards the bathroom.I wasn't trying to make it hard for her because she wasn't the one who agreed at the first place but I was scared and second guessing.
"No way, I wasn't invited," she closed the bathroom door behind her.

Great, I sighed as I looked in front of the mirror. I was so sleepy. I took the chance to look outside the window and I was so  sure that it was still  early in the morning, you know that cold fresh air and not that bright light but soft.
I bet the whole amount of money in mom's account that it was around 6 o'clock.
I don't believe this, I know Q is an early bird but this early?

"On a serious note what time is it?" I asked as I walked back into my room after a nice hot shower but I was still sleepy.
"06:48," she said.I was right.
While I was in the shower, she made the bed, took out the dress, shoes and set up the make-up stand.
"Q, I really appreciated what you're doing but you shouldn't wake up this early, I'm not the one getting married remember?" I whispered the last part as I realised that I share this room with someone who is probably asleep at this time.

"Taylor is downstairs," Q said as she got me up so that I can get dressed.
"Already?" I asked.
"Yeah," she smiled.
"What?" I noticed how she now stood in front of me smiling.
"My baby is going on a date," she hugged me.

"It's not-" she sushed me.
"You're going with him to a wedding which means you're his date," she said.
"But it's not a date," I insisted.
"What is a date to you? Going out to a fancy restaurant and watching a movie? Come on T this is the 21st century," she said.

"I know you're never wrong but let me take over these kind of things, you know, the boy's stuff because I'm an expert and you, you just need to dress up and look good. I'll be right back," she didn't give me a chance to reply and she was gone.
Few minutes later she came and I was looking in the mirror.

"Wow," she smiled.
"Yeah wow," I exhaled.
"Is this really you T?" She asked.
"In the flesh," I said.
"Alex is so gonna die when he sees you,come let's do hair and make-up.I was thinking of something curly and make up that is not heavy, or-" she started talking to her self and all I did was to nod in agreement.

"Are going to kiss him?" She asked causing me to grasp.
"No!" I yelled.
"Geez no need to yell,just asking," she was currently doing my lips and I guess that's where the question came from.
"Done," she said as she looked at me first and then turned me to see the mirror.

"Wow I look amazing," I hugged her.
"Yeah you do, now let's go and show everyone!" She cheered.
"Thank you so much," I smiled as I once again took a glimpse in the mirror.
"You now who to call when Alex proposes in a few years," She laughed.
"In a few million years," I said
She announced me downstairs and everyone was surprised.

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