Chapter 23

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Tasha's p.o.v

My eyes shot open as I heard my alarm ring, I turned it off and then got up.
I looked in the mirror and my eyes were puffy, they are certainly gonna know that I was crying.
But on the bright side my headache was gone.

"Good morning," I greeted Taylor downstairs.
"He-" she froze.
"Oh don't worry,I probably ate something last night that had nuts," I lied.
"Oh right allergies," she smiled.
"Please help me make breakfast," she said.
"Okay,just let me go brush my teeth," I exhaled.

"Alright," she smiled.
I went upstairs to brush my teeth.
"Hey stranger," Q greeted.
"Hi," I turned to her and she froze too.It was that bad!
"Allergies," I smiled.
"Since when?" She asked a pretty good question.
"Since forever," I lied.
"Sorry,can I borrow your dress? We're going to church right?" She asked.

"Knock yourself out," and by that phrase I remembered the cake,I forgot it in his car. Okay, Tasha pull yourself together today's another day to turn a new leaf.
"Finish up so that we can help Taylor downstairs," I said as she was starting to brush her teeth as well.

"So what's for breakfast?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.
"Pancakes,eggs,bacon,toast, tea,coffee,orange juice, and some cupcakes,oh and there's porridge," she said.
"Cool," I smiled.
"Oh and don't forget the story," Q came in.

I told them what happened yesterday, I told them about how early I was,I told them about the house,about Kenzie, about our decision to call it quits,about the arguments and about going to mall and I left out being outside my house and the part that made me cry.I wasn't ready to re-live that part again and I don't think I'll ever will.

I told them everything while we were preparing breakfast and honestly I think I was the one doing a lot of things,they just stood there listening,I guess I'm the one who can multitask.By the time everyone was awake I was done,the feedback and the 21 questions,all covered and I liked it that way.

And during breakfast it was they're turn to tell me about the party.Like always they all wanted to speak at the same time which causes them to yell.
"Are they always like this?" Taylor asked amused.
"Yep and I would never change a thing," I smiled.

They did lots of fun staff and many pool games,I laughed myself to tears when they told me that Q almost drowned and Kris saved him and she came to when he was about to do mouth to mouth.
Kris is a boy next door about the twins age and he's in love with Monique its ridiculous.
She tried to defend herself but it was her word against theirs.

I wished I was home with them, but hey what happened happened.
They also told me about Taylor's kids how they were so cool and begged for them to come visit every weekend.
I was cool with that,
The pictures from Megs phone were so cute.

"Okay guys,it was fun but let's get ready we have less than three hours left," Taylor said.
"Uhm... guys I just want to say that I'll never trade anything for you guys and I'm grateful for each and every one of you, I love you all!" I exclaimed.
"Group hug!" Crystal yelled and we all hugged each other.
Q and I did the dishes,while Taylor was helping everyone with getting ready.

I bathed Justin,I missed him so much.Then I showered got dressed and everyone was done.
As I was looking in the mirror, fear and nervousness hit me.Will he come? What will I say if he shows up? How will I feel if he doesn't?
"Okay guys let's go," Taylor yelled and I grabbed my purse and bible.

"You okay?" Q asked as I turned to lock the door.
"Never better," I exhaled.
We arrived a few minutes later and at first instinct I looked for his car and there was no sign of it. Relief flooded my heart and I was not sure for how long will I feel this way.

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