Chapter 7

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"Morning sunshine!",I yelled.
"Live me alone!", she replied pulling the quilt over her head.
After hours of studying,she slept over.
"Come on Q we're gonna be late!", I exclaimed as she slowly got out of bed.
I was already done dressing up and make up,so I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.
"Morning!",I exclaimed as I picked up Justin.

"No way!,this is a GOOD morning!",mom happily exclaimed as she prepared breakfast.
"What's so good about it mom?!", Megan read my mind.
"Well,yesterday me and Mitchell booked our flight and the hotel with plenty of reservations,the fancy restaurants,spas,game centres,and tours.So yeah this is good!",she stated and she had that glow and sparkle.
"We're so happy for you Rachel!", Q exclaimed as she came down the stairs.

"Thanks sweetie!",mom sighed as we all set down and thanked God for this wonderful meal in front of us and the amazing hands that made it possible.
"Tasha you didn't tell me that your mom is going on a vaca!",she pinched me playfully.
"Well it must have slipped my mind,I'm sorry!",I laughed.
"Mom as long as you promise to come back not bankrupted okay!",
I sighed looking at mom as she stuck her tongue at me in response.

"Mom,I'm gonna need plenty of pictures so that I can crop myself in them",Megan blurted out causing laughter.
"Hey a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do!",Q high fived Megan.
"So where are you going to Rachel?!",Q asked mom.
"HAWAII!!",she exclaimed,
"Great!",I blurted.
"Yeah,which means new recipes!",
Sam exclaimed looking up at the universe as we all erupted with laughter.

"Okay guys let's head out,move,move!",mom ordered.


20 minutes later we arrive at school and may I just say,the whole ride to school was unusual.
Mom was the one talking,mostly about her vacation.She seemed happy which makes me happy.
Thank God I'm walking with Q to class which means no interruptions from unwanted jerks.Alex!


I was about to do my speech in the English class third period when my phone buzzed.
New message from Alex:

My car,lunch time!

What the what!,who does that,I mean order people around.
I sighed and gave Q my phone as Mrs Hathaway called out my name.
The sound of the bell made me feel nauseous.What does he want?
"Okay,don't freak out!,he probably wants you to wash his car or something like that!",she laughed,as we made our way to the schools exit.
"I know I'm a nerd,but I'm worth much more than to being his toy. I wouldn't dare wash his car and maybe It has a dent or something like that,which I won't be paying for because he was the one who  insisted on me driving the damn car!",I exclaimed as I looked for the black Lamborghini.

"There he is right there!,go,go!", she exclaimed as she playfully shoved me towards Alex's car and waved goodbye with a huge grin on her face.
Sighing I spotted Alex in the passengers side and not to my surprise he is attached to his phone.
Taking in my presence as I tapped the window lightly he gave me half a smile and nodded his head towards the drivers side as a gesture.
I huffed and got in the car again as my stomach growled.

Great!,I'm missing lunch and I didn't eat that much during breakfast.How great.
(note the sarcasm)
"Favourite diner,and drive fast!, wouldn't want you to starve to death",he sighed not even saying 'hi'.
"Whats wrong with the food at the cafeteria?",I honestly asked and didn't bother to greet him.
"Food poisoning!",he replied.
I was speechless so I started the engine and drove off to a nearby diner.

The whole ride was silent and not that awkward silence but the 'nothing to say' silence.Mostly because the diner was near the school.
We stepped inside and the waiter reserved a nice spot outside and gave us the menu.
Order a salad,I thought.Q always said that I must order something light and neat to eat when I'm out on dates.
But this ain't a date!.

"I'll have a hamburger and soda, thank you!",I sighed looking at the waiter and then stealing a look on Alex's face as he ordered the lunch special.
"Okay let's get down to business for my last wish,I wish for 3 new wishes!",he exhaled.
Is he crazy?,maybe he is losing his mind!.
"You can't do that,that's not how it works!",I exclaimed.
"Yes I can and I may remind you that you owe me your life!",he smirked.

Jerk.He can't to that!
I slowly breathed in and out.
Looking at his smirking face I felt sick.
"I have to think about this!",I stared at him.
"No way,I want to start wishing already!",he whined In an annoying voice.
"I said I will think about it!",I exclaimed.
"Okay,mom",he teased.

"Can we leave now!",I faked a smile.
"Hell no!,I'm enjoying this food", he purposely spoke with his mouth open.
I did what I do best when I'm around him and that is to roll my eyes.
"Besides I like hanging around with you!",he sighed after burfed.
God he must have forgotten his manners at home.
If he lived with Rachel,he would be grounded right away.

Wait!,what did he say to me?.
"Hold on,why me!",I found myself asking.
"Because I get to tell you stuff like how it doesn't suit you to roll your eyes,it's not your thing!",he sighed wiping his mouth and locking his brown eyes with mine.
"Oh I'm sorry!,am I overdoing it",I said. (Note sarcasm)
"Yeah you are,you see it's all in the face and not the eyes.Let me put it in this way,it feels like you're rolling your eyes but it's your head!",he attempted to roll his eyes/head,who cares as I interrupted him.

"Okay,fine I get it,now stop before you twist your neck.Not in front of everyone!",I sighed looking over the kitchen,just to catch a little glimpse of Tyler.
"Oh!,'everyone',whom to be specific?",we both looked at Tyler.
"Oh,no,no!,eew who would think that,I know I wouldn't.Can we leave now!",I tried to cover my panic but seemed to fail as he laughed at me.
"It's a GIRL!",he exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

"Who's a girl,I'm a girl,how dear you!",I yelled.We've been getting a few stares due to our little disagreements.But hey this ain't a library.
"So miss innocent has a little something on the waiter!",he laughed.
"Can we get the bill please!",
I called out.
"Sure",he sighed.
"He has a name you know that right?!",he suddenly asked.
"Yeah?",I questioned.

"Which means,you never talked to him.He's your little crush!",he said the last part a little louder so I had to shush him because Tyler was walking over to us with the bill.
"Here you go!",he placed it on the table and walked back inside.
"Stop starring at him,you're being weird!",I exhaled.
"I'm trying to see what you see in him and to give you friendly advice.He's not your type!",he smirked shoving the bill over my side.

"Who are you to judge!?",I sighed annoyed and played the bill and walked over towards the car lot.
I saw him giving Tyler the bill,
Jerk.he didn't even pay for it.
Then he whispered something in his ear and walked over slowly towards me.
I got in the passengers side for once.I didn't feel like driving.
"I'm not gonna apologize you know that right!",he broke the silence.

"Actually.No,I don't know that because I don't know you and because I'm a sane person I'm not gonna pretend to and I'm not gonna judge you.I don't need your apology!",I exhaled,not giving him a chance to reply as I walked into the school premises.
A minute later the bell rang and I walked over to my class.
It's good that I'm not gonna attend with Q,I don't feel like talking...

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