Chapter 10

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After a few minutes of Alex trying to find out why I'm different today.He said it must be my make-up, hair,clothes,etc and I simply ignored him.

"You did this for me!?",He held out his hands for a HUG?.

"Cut it out,for a person who has flirted around with dozens and dozens of girls you seem to be good at it!",I rolled my eyes obviously being sarcastic.

"You're right,so quit complimenting me and let's catch a bus!",he sighed as we walked to the bus stop.

"Watch out for cars!",he joked.

"Freak!",I crossed the road.

It takes hours for the bus to come by but thankfully it arrived shortly after a few minutes.

"So what's with the list thing?",I asked as we sat in the in the bus.

"Things you should bring today?", he said more as a question.

"Yeah I got that,what I meant was, why did you request these things!",I sighed and looked out the window.

"A blanket for when you get 'chilly',I'm not willing to give up my jacket for your smelly pits...", I had to cut him off.

"Excuse me!,you seem to confuse me with all the skunks you refer to as 'chicks' and dude seriously I don't have sweaty armpits!",I yelled biting my lip.

"I didn't say they were sweaty,they smell. So basically  breakfast and lunch for when you get hungry.

Money for when you buy me breakfast and lunch and lastly to bring yourself and not a friend.It's that obvious!", he fiddled with his phone.

"I hate you!",I whispered wishing I was home and watching the Cold Case marathon rather than listening to this jerk.

"Okay",he whispered back and pulled the stringy thing indicating for the bus driver to pull up.

Why doesn't he buy his own food because it's not like he's broke or what.He's just being an ass.

"Here we are!",he exclaimed as I took in the view.

"Subway?",I said more as a question.

"Yes ma'am!",he smirked.

As we went down the station.

"This is my hang out!",he exclaimed.

"Alrighty.Tasha this is Charlie, Charlie meet Tasha!",He introduced me to a friendly face.

"She's a musician and its quite clear because she holding  a guitar and she's my friend!",he sighed as I smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you!",I was polite.

"I've heard a lot about you!",she surprisingly hugged me.

"Oh really?",I smiled and glanced at Alex.

"Yeah,you're that girl Alex saved, twice!",she laughed.

"Yep its me!",I said awkwardly.

"So you guys are dating or what?",

making things more awkward.

She reminded me of Q,always straight to the point.

"Oh no no no no no no no no no!",

We both yelled looking at each other and then shaking our heads in disagreement.

"Hey just asking,Alex buddy she's a keeper!",she nudged Alex playfully and for the first time in  like forever I blushed.

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