Chapter 32

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Alex's pov

"Shawn! My man," I greeted Shawn on the phone.
"I just landed," he said.
"Great, how was your flight?" I asked.
"Good man, this whole trip was something," he said.
My heart was swimming in the ocean of nervousness.
"So, how about you catch up with your family and friends and I'll text you where we'll meet," I said.
"That sounds great," he said.

His voice sounded more professional, which raised an eyebrow.
"Hey, Shawn," I called.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Welcome back buddy!" I exclaimed.
"Thank you sir," he said and I disconnected the call. Sir? Something doesn't seem right.

"Are you alright sir?" Jeff asked.
"Yeah I'm fine," I tightened my jaw.
"You don't look fine," he said.
"I don't pay you to ask me about my well being," I said firmly.
"I'm sorry," he apologized.
"Anything else?" I asked as I was about to head upstairs.
"It's just," he paused.
"What Jeff?" I asked.
"The physio left a message for you," he stuttered.

"Do I have to ask what message?" He was starting to really annoy me with his half sentences.
"He said you must call him and it's about you missing the appointment," he said.
"I can walk can't I? Look at me, if he calls tell him I don't need him!" I exclaimed.
"Yes sir, oh and sir," he called.
"What?" I turned around.
"What would you like to eat tonight?" He asked.

"Just do your job Jeff and stop calling me sir!" I exclaimed.
"My apologies, can I say something sir? I mean Mr?" He asked.
"What now," I exhaled.
"If that girl causes you to be like this, she's not worth it," he said.
"What did you just say?!" I got close to him.
"I didn't-" I felt my nails penetrating my inner hand.
"Mind your own business Jeff!" I pushed him backwards.

"Look at you, look at your eyes, this morning you were so happy to go see her but look at you now, I almost don't recognize you,and it's only been like a few hours," he had the nerve.
I stepped back and gave him a chuckle. I then go close to him, fixed his tie.
"Don't you ever... I'm warning you Jeff! Don't make me consider another chef," I said and walked away.
I went straight to my room, anger boiling inside of, I punched the wall and regretted it later.

I blasted music on maximum volume, I couldn't even hear my self think and that's what I want because I know I'll think about her. As I lay on my bed facing the ceiling and the unbearable pain on my hand. I'm glad I didn't take it all out on Jeff. God knows how I don't want to be friends with her, I want to love her. What's wrong with me!? Mom I can't wait to come and fetch you where ever you are.
I wonder where she is, but thanks to Shawn I'll know soon. Shawn's job was to locate her exactly where she stays, follow her every move and know where she is everytime.

Tasha's pov

"He told you to what?" Q exclaimed.
"Q please, I don't have the energy," I pulled the cover over my head. Yes, I was in bed, after crying I finally had enough and decided to go upstairs but not after calling my best friend.
Who I was being rude to but she keeps asking me the same things over and over.

"So what are you going to do?" She asked.
"Right now, I'm just going to sleep," I closed my sore eyes.
"I'm so sorry," she gently brushed my hair.
"What would you do Q?" I asked.
"I don't know, but T you're old enough to make your own choices," she said.
"I just don't get how one moment we were talking nicely and then boom!" I sat up.

"Don't worry sweetly pie, you'll get it. Now have some rest, you have plenty of time to think," she smiled.
"Please stay, I don't want to think about what just happened, I want to forget," I said.
"I can't darling,you have to think this through," she said.
"Okay but please support what ever decision I make,"I begged.
"You got it," she waved goodbye.

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