Chapter 13

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After showering I headed to my room and before that, I finally met Taylor,who's going to be my roommate for the month.

She's an open book and I wonder where mom found her.

She has two kids,whom I don't recall their names but are aged 3 and 9.She's pretty and I think is in her late 30's.She's studying education online and needed the money for her registration for her final year.

I walked in and she was doing her assignments and tasks.

"Please,I hope you don't mind me doing my assignments here," She exhaled.

"Not at all,I'm just gonna fetch Megan's desk and we'll see from there,"I sighed.

"Hey,can I borrow your desk?" I sighed as I walked in Megan and Crystal's room.

"Clear everything and put it on the couch," She sighed.

"Thanks,"I rolled the desk out of her room.


"Okay! I'm gonna take a break now," I stretched out my arms and neck.

"You now for a cool girl like you,you seem to study a lot.I bet you're one of those girls who party all weekend and gets straight A's," She laughed.

"You're right about the grades but I'm not sure about the cool and partying part,"I shrugged.

"No way! You're too pretty to be a nerd,don't tell me you're a nerd!" She exhaled.

"I have a good vision,which means I don't wear glasses and I never had problems with my teeth so I don't have braces but,that's a big BUT I'm a nerd or as my friend likes to referrer to as a nerdy-nerd!" I smiled,she thought I was pretty.

"I'm sorry,me and my big mouth.I'll just shut up now,"she continued her work.

"No need,what time is it?" I yawned as I glanced at the clock.22:18.

"Wow,it's so late!"I sighed.

"Come on,let's go grab a snack!" I stood up and a sharp headache made me sit down quickly.

"Dizzy?" She smiled.

"More like a headache,"I closed my eyes.

"You've sat down a lot,let's go get some water and a cold towel," she helped me up and we headed downstairs.

"Here you go,pretend this glass of water is the cure for your headache, drink once and don't break,okay?" She handed me the glass.

"Okay," I said and drank the whole glass once and didn't break.

"Thanks,"I sighed.

"No sweat,"she exhaled.

"Were you a nerd during high school?" I found myself asking and emotionally slapped my face.

"Even now," she sighed.

"But don't get me wrong,I'm happy the way I am.Who knows maybe if I was the coolest kid in school I wouldn't have my wonderful children and my partner today," she smiled.

And she was right.

"That's great," I exhaled.

My phone rang in my purse on the counter.

"Grab anything you fancy,I'll meet you upstairs.Excuse me," I sighed looking at the caller ID,Alex.

'Sure,'was the word I last heard from her as I accepted the call and headed to the tv room.

"Hey,"I sighed.

"Why are you awake?" He whispered.

"I'm studying," I exhaled.

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