Chapter 9

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Here goes nothing...

'Once upon a time.Long long ago.

Lived a very rich family,so rich they bought a Kingdom and all the people who lived in it.
They were so powerful they did whatever they liked,They were known as the Huntsman family.
They had a son,Aleq.
Aleq was greedy and people feared him.He did whatever he liked whenever.He was spoiled.

He had the latest horse which raced like the wind.His father died shortly after he got into adulthood  and it was bad news for the family.
Aleq took the throne.He was so hurt he tried to hide it.No one recognized his hurt because he was doing all the wrong things to normal innocent people.
Years gone by and people still lived in horror and fear.

One day.A good day according to the history of the kingdom.
Aleq stumbled across his mother's personal belongings.
He had a biological brother who was left behind.The whole kingdom looked for Aleq's brother and they found him.
Aleq was excited to have someone who was close to his father.
He slowly healed and the village's peace was restored and they all lived happily ever after!'.I exhaled and shut my eyes for a while.

That was so,horrifying.Why?,
Why the brothers love and not love love love?.Can I edit it?!

He replied.'Whatever floats your boat dude.I just want you to sleep!',I sighed looking at the time 23:47.

Okay,after years of searching for his brother,sadly they didn't find his whereabouts.
Aleq was devastated.

During the search he had saved a village girl who was attacked  by trolls.
He didn't realize how he was healing when he was close to the poor girl named Sasha.
He sooner became close to this Sasha girl and completely healed.

He later married Sasha and he was a changed man.All the people were amazed by his sudden change of mind.
He returned the kingdom to it's rightful owners.

And they found a place far away and lived happily ever after!.

Now that's how it's done!.

My eyes couldn't take it anymore but I had to.
'Great.Feeling sleepy?',I asked with a glimpse of hope in my sleepy eyes.


'Oh come on,close your damn  eyes!',I sighed in frustration.

Joking.Good morning McCarthy/Tasha/Tanya/Sasha...
See you in 8 hours!

'Whatever!',I sighed and placed my phone on the charger and finally closed my eyes.


I woke up to a sudden annoying beep coming from my phone.
It was a message from Alex!:

1.a blanket
3.some cash

Gosh!,this kid is gonna drive me crazy!.Looking at the time it was almost six o'clock and he was awake and writing stupid silly lists.
But half of me couldn't wait to see what he's up to and that's why I jumped off the bed and went over to the bathroom.
"Being an early bird doesn't suit you!",mom sighed entering the bathroom and violating my privacy.
"Mom,really?!",I exclaimed.
"What!?,it's not like I haven't seen you in your birthday suite",she had to say that.

"So!,going somewhere?",she began to brush her teeth slowly.I guess she was going to stay a little longer.
"Oh,yeah I forgot to tell you that I'm going out with a friend",I sighed hoping she wouldn't ask many questions nor freak out.
"Ok.And whom is this friend are we referring to?!",she asked calmly.
"No one!",I exhaled.
"Tasha!",she sighed.
"Can we talk about this later mom please.I'm a big girl now and you need to trust me!",I sighed closing my eyes.

"Big girl.2 words,used when you're trying to make a parent feel guilty of raising you and feeding you.These words mean something,something which I normally talk about.Funny thing, I talk about this thing so much I can't remember it would be nice though if someone jogged up my memory!",she exhaled and showed me one of her talents,acting.

"Dating!",I exclaimed.
"Why thank you!",she did a perfect courtesy.
"Hey,on a serious note.I'm happy you're socializing with boys.
And you're right I have to trust you and hope you'll make the right decision.No way let me correct that!,I demand the right decisions,okay?",she exhaled.
"Yes ma'am.So enough about me. What was mommy dearest up to yesterday?!",I sighed.

"Nothing much,shopping to round it all up!",she exhaled.
"Nice,so where are you going to?",
"What's with the 100 questions. I'm the old one here!",she rolled her eyes.
"If you say so!",I wrapped myself with a towel and exited the bathroom leaving her in laughter.

What to wear!?.
I need to face time Q,she'll know.
"Hey.So Alex asked me out I think but it's not in that way.So I need something to wear!",I sighed.
"I told you he likes you!",she yelled cheerfully.
"Didn't you hear the part when I said I 'think' he asked me out!",I sighed looking around my closet.
"You're ain't gonna find it in that section!",she yelled in frustration.
"That's why I'm talking to you right now",I exhaled.

"Okay so where are you going to?", she asked.
"He didn't say!",I replied placing my favourite sweater over my towel and turned to see Q.
"Isn't that your favourite sweater!?",she asked in surprise.
"It is!",I sighed.
"So keep that in your closet and try on that outfit I bought for you for your birthday!",she ordered.
"No way it's too much!,the revealing white shirt and tiny black ripped jeans!",I exclaimed.

"Do you want my help or not?", she yawned.
"I do but...!',she cut me off.
"So try it,this time lose the shirt and try an overlapping top!",she sighed.
"Sounds good to me!",I wore the jeans and looked for any top.
"Looks okay!",she sighed looking at me.
"Thanks Q!,I'll see you later",I twirled and sighed looking at the time 07:25.
"No prob.But you need to tell me everything from how he asked you and all!",she ordered.

"Will do,cheers!",I closed my phone and went over to hair and make-up.
"You look like the bigger sister I never had!",Megan sighed as I walked in the kitchen.
"Thank you!",I rushed to the fridge.I need to prepare breakfast and lunch according to Alex's list.
"So where are going?!",she asked looking a little bit worried.
"Studying!",I lied.

"Oh really?,you look over dressed for studying!",she raised a cup as a gesture for coffee.
"No thanks,I have to go now!",I sighed wrapping my sandwiches in foil and in placing them neatly in my bag.
"Does mom now you're going out?",she curiously asked.
"Yes!",I exhaled.
"So you're going out!",she snapped  her fingers.

"Geez Megan,live me alone!",I sighed running upstairs to fetch my blanket and my purse.
"Mom,I'll see you later!",I yelled as I opened a new message from Alex.Why doesn't he ever call?.


It read."Study well!",Megan yelled after me as I closed the front door.
"Hey!",I exhaled taking in the   fresh morning breeze.
"You look different!",he sighed looking at me weirdly.
"Where's your car?!",I looked around avoiding his statement.
"At home!",his phone rang.
What's going on?.I asked my self as he excused himself and answered it.

Not knowing what to do I stand around and looked around my quiet neighbourhood.
"Sorry about that.Really you look different!",he stated.
"Thanks.So where are we going?!", I faked a smile.
"You'll see!"...

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