Chapter 15

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"You don't look fine," Taylor smiled.
"I'll be fine," I shrugged and quickly took Justin, I missed him and mom going away affected us all but to be truthful he is the one really hurting.

Just as I made myself comfortable on the couch,my best friend crashed the whole peaceful scene and stood in front of me.She greeted Justin as if he would respond or something.

"Lunch was amazing!" She screamed joyfully.
"Good," I said calmly and it seemed to crash her mood.
"Good?,that's all you can say?" She asked,I felt bad for crashing her elated mood.
"Okay lunch was great,you and Alex were terrific," I made a thumbs up and faked a smile.

"What's wrong?" She looked me in the eyes as if she was searching for an answer. Unfortunately I had to lie because I'm not sure if it's the right time.What if this was all a misunderstanding and misplacing of notes.It might be possible.

"Don't lie to me!" She pointed at me.She's going to overreact when I tell her,she's going to jump to conclusions.I know her that much.But she's my friend and that's what friends do.Looking in her eyes right now made me more frustrated,I need time to think and besides it's just a dumb note.

"Dumb note?" She asked out of curiosity. Oops,I do this all the time,every time when I'm thinking to hard I spit out some of the words and today it had to be those.
"Sit down," I exhaled and judging by her quick movement she plopped on the couch and was ready to listen.A great skill she has.

"First class after lunch,after explaining to Mr. Zuiker that I had food poisoning in the cafè he let me go," I took a deep breath.
"That's it?" She smiled.
"T we all lie to teachers sometimes and my friend that was a good one,I'm impressed.Don't worry it's going to be fine,it's just one lie," She tickled Justin and I found myself smiling.

"No silly,I found a note on my desk and it threatened that I should stay away from,you know," I said.
"From Alex?!" She exclaimed.
"Keep it down," I hushed her.
"Okay,what did it say exactly?" She took deep breaths.

"Never mind this is a misunderstanding and we're clearly overreacting," I wasn't sure what I was saying but it was the best explanation.Or maybe it's a sign,I should stay away from him.
"Misunderstanding? Girl you better check yourself.And please tell me what the note said," she exhaled.

"Stay the hell away from him or else," I still remembered what it said word for word.
"You're not editing it right? I'll know," She squashed her eyes and nodded her head.
"Why would I?" I simply asked.
"I don't know,a nice girl like you would avoid curse words that are written or maybe you don't want to share the threat," she shrugged.

"I still have it,if you were wondering," I said and went to the kitchen with Justin.
"Great,we can show it to Alex!" She cheered.
"No way! This note was meant for me and not him," I said.
"You're not gonna show him aren't you?" She said,now calm.

"Yep!" I popped the p.
"I'm just going to take the note as a warning and stay away from him.I'm not looking for any drama," I collapsed in the couch and glanced at the ceiling.
"Oh come on! Where's my best friend,the Tasha I know wouldn't take crap for anyone,my best friend wouldn't just give up!" She paced up and down while I stared at the ceiling,probably the ceiling was starring at me

"I take crap form everyone, I always give up,wanna know why? It's because I want to stay away from trouble,I want to have a piece and quiet senior year and mostly because I'm a nerd," I exhaled.

"That's it! I've had enough of this,first day we met, you were confident,smart,happy and comfortable.Why are labeling yourself as a nerd,Tasha I'm sick and tired of hearing this word,nobody deserves it,I thought the word referred to a person who is intelligent, not a mean girl.But you're clearly using this word in a different negative way.Why?
You think that this note is a sign or warning but you hanging out with Alex is fate,
Have a little fun,put on your boogie shoes and just see what happens.He may not be the Mr. right but you said it yourself that you wanted a guy who would sweep you off your feet.Don't freak'n worry about the stupid note!" She exhaled. She was right.

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