Chapter 18

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*Tasha's new dress*

"Q,my feet hurt!" I exhaled.
We were now at the mall shopping for Saturday's dress.
We've been over 10 boutiques and haven't found the 'perfect' dress according to Q.

"Stop whining and try this one on," she handed me what looked like a prom dress and pushed me towards the fitting rooms.
I've been stripping in and out of over a hundred dresses.

As I was changing a text from Alex buzzed in asking where I was and I replied with the details.He later texted that he'll be here in 10 minutes.

"Alex is coming," I told Q, she was throwing in different dresses at the same time and I so wished to sit down.
"Great he can help us and maybe you could loosen up a bit," she grasped as I walked out with a black and brown dress (picture attached).

"Perfect!" She exclaimed and I was glad it was finally over.
"Woah,you're killing me today McCarthy!" Alex showed up.
"See,he agrees," Q smiled.
"Can we go now?" I asked.
"Okay fine,miss cranky but you look stunning," Q complimented me and I murmured a thank you as I rushed to change back and pay.

"Hey,can I talk to you for a second" Alex requested,as I got out.It sounded serious.
Q excused herself again and went to look for the shoes and accessories.I almost forgot them.

"Listen, about the wedding," he breathed in.Oh my! he's about to cancel.
"This is not just any wedding,
Charlie's the bride," he said.
I so wished to slap him in the face but I just stood there with no emotion.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, I could've bought a gift,a nice one,I would have done so many things like,I don't know.I didn't even know she was engaged,I didn't notice the ring.She was wearing so many but that's no excuse-" I panicked.

"Hey,it's okay! She wanted it this way.Not exactly because she wanted it to be a surprise,"he said as he cupped my chicks in his hands.
"So the whole gig thing was a lie?" I asked still in shock.
"I'm surprised you even believed me," he smiled. I swear I'm gonna hurl if I hear the word surprise one more time.

"Surprise!!" Q yelled as she held the shoes and accessories.
Unfortunately I didn't hurl.
"I'm sorry I lied to you but she made me do it," he apologized "Don't,at least you're telling me now," I exhaled.
"What's going on?" Q asked.
"I just found out that the bride is Alex's best friend," I exhaled.

"Don't worry,we still have time.Let's go and get her a nice present," Q cheered.
"No please don't,she'll know that I told you," Alex stopped us.He looked pretty much scared of her.
"I still don't get it," I sighed with frustration.
"You don't have to,she's excited to see your face expression," he said.

"Pay for my dress and I'll forget what you'd just told me," I smiled at my new idea.
"How much is it?" He asked.
"Doesn't matter," I arched an eyebrow.


"I can't believe you just made me pay, I never pay!"he said.
Alex forced us to grab a snack after paying for my dress, shoes and accessories. I'm proud of myself but not because a guy just bought me things.I cracked him!

"But know that this one is definitely not on me," he gestured to a table full of his plates,each having extra things.
"You're a jerk!" I exclaimed.
"I know sweetie pie," he grinned.

"So, are you picking her up tomorrow?" Q began another topic.
"Like hell I would," he stuffed his mouth with fries.
"You're going to grow fat and alone," I was irritated.
"Pretty much looks like you're living in the situation right now," he went too far.

"Oh no you didn't!" I yelled.
"Seems like I did," he smirked "Guys please,people are beginning to notice," Q warned.
"In other words she means shut up!" I yelled.
"Make me," he smirked.
"Okay,okay.I'll pay, please just knock it out and let us talk like descent people," Q begged.

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