Two - Those Who Change

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Change: an act or process through which something becomes different.

Dan opened his eyes slowly immediately seeing his room, which was filled with bright light. He had been so eager to get into bed and go to sleep that he'd forgotten to close his curtains.

Today was the day when everything changed.
Eleanor promised that she would dye his hair today, and she also wanted him to go into town and get some new clothes because he mostly owned suits.

He looked at his phone instantly groaning when he saw the time, he usually wasn't up this early.
Even though he would really love a lie in, he decided to get up otherwise he wouldn't have anytime for what he wanted to do today. He looked in his wardrobe, and then decided that Eleanor was right. The only "clothes" he owned was his eclipse t-shirt and a pair of jeans, which he only wore when he had permission from his mother.

He couldn't wear a suit to school. Or could he? It's not what they did in the movies Dan had watched about school. But maybe this school was different?

He put his eclipse t-shirt on, and his jeans and went downstairs.

"Hey Eleanor," He greeted as he sat down at the kitchen table. "Do you have any breakfast I can eat?"

She turned around, "Hi Danny!" She laughed. She'd always called him that since he was little. "I do, yes. I'll make you some pancakes, wait, do you still like pancakes?" He nodded quickly.

"Good, how'd you sleep? Was it comfortable enough for you?" She bombarded him with questions.

"Yeah it was lovely," He replied. "Thank you so much for letting me stay with you."

She smiled for what seemed the millionth time, "That's okay, really, it's a pleasure to have some company. So, what are you going to do today?" She said while she made the pancakes.

Dan fiddled with the end of his t-shirt, "Well, apparently I have to dye my hair. So we could do that, and then you said I should go and get some more clothes. You are right I guess, unless I do have to wear a suit to school then I'm fine."

Eleanor chuckled, "Yeah that's a point, I think wearing a suit to school wouldn't be the best idea. Ooh, how about dying your hair a nice brown? I think that would suit you."

He hummed in agreement, "Yeah sounds good. Can I get a new haircut too? I've always wanted to have a side fringe..." He trailed off, hoping she would agree.

"What? Like an emo fringe?" She remarked.

"Yeah." He slowly said.

"Ooh, nice. I had one when I was younger. I used to go around whacking people with it as they cut mine too long and I couldn't go back."

Dan looked at her in confusion, "Why couldn't you go back?" He questioned.
"I spilt coffee in the house plant on purpose because they cut my hair wrong." She explained. "I was a weird person back then. I still am. But of course you can get a side fringe, you can do whatever you want. You did move over here for freedom, after all."

Dan smiled in success, and then at that moment Eleanor turned around with a pancake and lots of different toppings.

"What you can do today," She started. "Is run into the hairdressers, get your hair cut, and then go around town and get some new clothes and stuff. M'kay? You have got loads of money, right?" Eleanor checked.

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