Six - Those Who Wonder

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Wonder: desire to know something; feel curious.

Chris and Dan pushed through students who were trying to get to where they wanted with Chris holding onto Dan's arm tightly. He was thankful for the gesture because Chris knew that Dan would get trampled, but he was also a little bit hurt, since when had Chris thought he couldn't handle himself?

"It's just through here." Chris told Dan as they opened a door through to the back of the school. Just like the front, it was covered with bright flowers and trees. It was truly beautiful.

Chris led him behind a small tree which was in the corner, where PJ and Phil were sat down chatting and laughing. There was nobody around, everybody was inside the school.

"Are we even allowed out here? It's deserted." Dan asked them as he sat down. Phil and PJ both shrugged in sync, making Chris giggle slightly. Dan kept a straight face through, he did not want to get in trouble on his first day.

"Well, we've eaten out here for ages and ages. Nobody ever comes out here, not even the teachers. They all eat inside. Plus, it's so pretty out here!" Phil answered. "Trust me, it's okay." Phil smiled softly at Dan, making Dan loosen up and smile back.

He opened up his bag and bought out his sandwich and packet of crisps that Eleanor had bought in a place called 'Tesco's' for him. He noticed Phil was still looking at him and smiling, but when he looked up to smile back, Phil quickly looked at the floor. Surely he it meant nothing, for it was just a simple look, so he just shaked it off.

"So," Chris started as he bought out a cold slice of pizza. "We need to know more about you Dan, tell us about your family and stuff. You're like a closed book," He paused and turned to PJ. "Is that the saying?"

Dan opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. It was almost like he'd ran out of lies, so he decided to be honest the most he could, "I just live with my Auntie. My parents aren't around." He explained, moving his gaze down to the floor. "Haven't seen them in a while." He finished.

It basically wasn't a lie. He'd skyped his parents yesterday for a couple of hours, but it wasn't like actually seeing them. He already badly missed them, and he was left wondering whether this was worth it.
Wondering whether he should just go back to his home where he didn't have to lie.

He was broken from his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Phil now sat next to him, his hand on Dan's shoulder sympathetically. Phil gave Dan a sad smile.

"I'm sorry," Phil whispered quietly, like using his normal voice would shatter glass. "We haven't know you for that long, but, you always have us if you need someone." He told him with his hand still on Dan's shoulder.

Dan smiled back at him, slightly disappointed when Phil moved his hand off his shoulder. He liked the gesture. Or maybe he just liked Phil.

"Thank you." Dan whispered to him. He looked over to see Chris and PJ smiling at him too. He was glad of how supportive they all were, and even though he was lying, he was technically telling the truth.

Chris nodded, "It's okay. Down to business first though, let's just get one thing straight, we aren't. If you have a problem with that then you better leave now, because we have had enough people come and go because of our sexuality. We've had enough."

"You guys are gay?" He asked in disbelief. He truly wasn't expecting that, and he is gay too. It was almost like a dream come true.

"Yeah, you have a problem? We gay as shit. Well, kinda. All of us are different." Chris snapped. Dan looked over to see Phil's eyes locked on Dan.

Dan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's fine, more than fine actually. I'm gay, so." He trailed off.
PJ grinned, "That's great! I'm bi, Phil is gay and Chris is pan. We call ourselves the queer crew, don't know why, don't ask."

Dan mentally high-fived himself. He had a chance with Phil. Well, that is of course if Phil could ever like him back. Even if he ever did, it wouldn't matter. Once Phil finds out the truth he'd hate him, they'd all hate him.
It left him wondering with another thing - should he just tell them? Would they ever understand?

"Thank you," Dan muttered. "I've only been here a day and you've already me feel so happy." He admitted as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Most people are accepting at this school. Especially since Ryan and Chad started to date. Trust me, don't run make fun of - even though I know you won't - Ryan and Chad's relationship. Ryan's sister, Sharpay, will come and hurt you. I'm not kidding." PJ  told Dan, using big hand gestures.

Phil let out a giggle which Dan admits he found adorable, "Do you guys remember when they got together? Oh my gosh!" At this point he was full on laughing, as was everybody else.
"What happened?" Dan asked.

Chris raised an eyebrow cheekily, "Let's just say that me, Peej, Phil, Ryan, Chad and some other guys were playing baseball and they started an argument about dancing or something."
"A very heated argument." Phil added in.

They all burst into laughter once again. Dan was happy he found these people, he was just sad that he had to lie to them.

Throughout lunch they all stayed under the tree, until the bell rang and Dan knew he had to go to Geography. Luckily for him all three of his new friends were in his Geography class so he wouldn't be lonely.

Sadness flooded over him constantly like a cloud over his head once he remembered what he was doing, but there was moments where he looked over and saw Phil's face, and all that sadness seemed to fade away. He'll wish from now on that he'll get to see them (especially Phil) more often.

He doesn't know how he would coped if he didn't have them.

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