Twenty-Three - Those Who Forget

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Forget: fail to remember something.

"We need a plan." His mother smirked.

Dan sat back in his chair in disbelief, "Are you serious? Oh my gosh, thank you!"

His father stopped him, "Wait one second. We need a game plan. Is-is that what you kids call it these days?" He asked.

Dan just nodded, "Yeah, whatever. It's a sports term I think, I ain't that big on sports."

His parents looked at him in shock.

"Daniel, did you just say 'ain't'? That is not a word!" His mother cried. "This is already taking effect on you, we need to act fast and get that boy back!"

Dan ignored them, "Well I saw on a poster that in a week or two there's a school dance for our year. Each year gets one on a different day. Maybe I could go to that?" He suggested.

His father agreed, "We could get you a suit and everything!"

"Is it prom?" His mother gasped. "I love prom!"

Dan shook his head, "No. Just a dance." He replied.

"We are getting you a suit anyways. Even though you own a million already," She told him. "Now, eat your food and we can continue this later. I am starving."

Dan was grinning, "Thank you." He whispered. He meant it. He could see Phil one last time...hopefully he could make things right again.


"I can't believe this! It's like a movie!" Eleanor squealed. Dan had been on the phone with her for half an hour, explaining the plan and asking if he could stay with her while he completed it.

Dan laughed, "Probably not, he might not accept my apology. I stalked his Instagram this morning and he deleted all my comments and all the photos of us together." He sighed.

"But Dan, what if he does? Are you gonna stay here with me? What about those boys who tormented you guys? Well, I can sort them out for you..." She threatened them. Dan could almost hear her smirking.

"No, no! That's okay...thanks. If he says yes then I'll play it by ear, but it's unlikely. He doesn't see it my way, I wish he'd understand." Dan whined.

Eleanor sighed, "I know Danny but all good things take time. Be patient. Give him time. If he really doesn't forgive you then you can't make him love you again, you'll just have to respect his wishes and go home." She told him hesidentaly.

Dan nodded even though she couldn't see him, "Yeah you're right. All I want for him is to be happy, but what about me? Don't I get to be happy too? What do I do if he's my happiness, and all I do is give him sadness? What then?" He questioned.

"Well, that's when you know that it wasn't meant to be. 'Cause when it's true, no matter how much of a terrible thing you did, they'll forgive you. Sure it will take time, but they'll come around. If he doesn't, that's when you know." She explained to him wisely.

Dan bit his lip, "I wish he'd just listen to me..."

"Why don't you tell him that?"

"Because he won't listen to me long enough for me to tell him that," Dan flopped down on his bed. "This is too complicated."

Eleanor chuckled, "It is, yes. You could always go to another country or something? Have another fresh start?"

Dan cringed at the thought, "Nope. I have to try to win Phil back first. But like seriously," He flipped onto his back. "What if he doesn't want to get back together?"

"I know it's difficult but this is how these things are, if he doesn't want you back, you move on. You forget. You spend so long pretending to not care and then one day, you wake up, and you don't. And then you start all over again."

Dan took a deep breath, "Thanks Eleanor, I'll call you again later. I need a nap or something."

"Okay, get some rest. Bye Dan." She said goodbye.

He hung up, chucking his phone to his side as he closed his eyes.

He wasn't going to forget. He wasn't going to pretend not to care.

The truth was, he didn't want to forget. And he did care. He was going to show Phil that.

Hopefully his plan would work. Hopefully he could get his Phil back.

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