Four - Those Who Begin

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Begin: perform or undergo the first part of an action or activity.

To say that Dan was nervous was definitely a understatement.

As he walked into Lakemoore School, his hands were shaking and his lip was close to bleeding from him biting it so hard. He honestly didn't understand why he was this nervous. He was a prince, he'd spoken to thousands before and not had any trouble, but he couldn't even walk into a school?

He had to admit though, the place was rather pretty for a school.

Flowers littered the grounds outside along with bright green grass and trees that looked like something out of a fairytale book. In the movies he'd watched about school, it looked disgusting. But this one looked welcoming.

Or maybe it didn't look nice? Maybe the outside looked nice to draw people in, but then the inside of the school was a horrible, ruthless place? Just like the sweet house from Hansel and Gretel?
Or maybe he was thinking too much into things, maybe the nerves were getting to him a bit too much.

After his successful shopping trip on the weekend, he'd bought piles of new clothes and mountains of new things he'll need and stuff he liked. But nothing seemed to compare to Phil. Dan didn't have any trouble with admitting to himself that he'd thought about Phil...a lot.

He also doesn't have trouble admitting to himself that today he decided to put on his best clothes in case he ran into Phil again. Well, hopefully he'd run into Phil again. This time he'd like it if he didn't embarrass himself as much.

He opened the door, tearing his eyes away from the flowers, and stepped inside. Instantly he was greeted by a large amount of people in front of him chatting in the halls. It looked quite similar to what he'd seen on the movies, but he couldn't be sure.

Eleanor told him that he needs to go to the reception first to sign in, get his timetable and get everything ready. But where was the reception?

Dan walked down the halls trying not to attract major attention to himself. He needed someone to show him where the reception was, he wouldn't find it otherwise. He decided just to go up to someone and ask him, what was the worst that could happen?

"Uh," Dan started, tapping a girl with short blonde hair on the shoulder. "Do you know where the reception is?" He asked.
She turned around with a bored expression on her face, "Yeah. Don't you?"

Dan tried to force a smile onto his face, he'd never been spoken to so rudely, but he'd have to get used to it, "No, I'm new." He told her. "I'm Dan."
"I never asked about your name, dumbass. The reception is to the top of the hall, and then go left. Sheesh." She snapped back in Dan's face making him flinch slightly before slamming her locker shut and walking off.

Dan rolled his eyes, before walking in the direction the girl had pointed him in. Not many people noticed that he was new, but he did get a few stares as he walked down.

Dan was glad to see that even though the girl was a horrible person, she did give him the right directions and he was now stood in front of the destination he wanted to be in.

A lady sat behind the desk, smiling brightly at everybody who walked passed. Dan took a deep breath before walking forward and clearing his throat.
"I'm new," He said quickly. "Where do I go?"

The lady glanced up at Dan, her smile growing wider, "Ah, you must be," She paused to look down at her paper on her desk. Her smile faded slightly, "Dan. Uh, it's nice to meet you." She said awkwardly, forcing a smile. And his heart sunk when he realised it was because she found out he was a prince.

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