Thirteen - Those Who Share

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Share: part or portion of a larger amount which is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.

Dan tapped his fingers on the table as he looked at his watch. Phil, Chris and PJ were coming round today so they could all work on their project together. To be honest, Dan was looking forward to spending some more time with them all, in reality he'd really only known them under a week.

Eleanor walked in with a tray with some biscuits on it and led it in front of Dan, "Listen honey, I need to talk to you about something." She told him as she sat down on the wooden table chair.

This made him look up, "Of course," He replied. "I'm listening." He said showing her he that he was giving her his full attention by turning towards her.

She sighed, "I was just on the phone with your parents-"

"My parents?" Dan cut her off. "Can I speak to them? I miss them terribly." He asked her politely. It was true, he didn't miss his big castle or servants doing his every wish, he missed his mothers warm smiles and his fathers proud glances.

Eleanor sighed again, "You can but - just listen for now okay? I was on the phone with them, and they told me to tell you that if anything happens, they want you back straight away."

Dan sat back, "What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Say if you are bullied, or you get hit, or even if you just don't like one of the teachers, they want you to come straight home." She explained, running her fingers through her hair.

"That's not so bad," Dan shrugged. "That works for me actually." He said, giving her a bright smile.

Eleanor nodded, "That's the good part, yes. But then they said that when you come home..." She paused, looking down at the floor.

"Eleanor?" Dan asked her. "Please tell me, I won't be mad."

Eleanor didn't look up again, "If you go home, you can't come back here. Not ever, ever again. It's for your safety apparently."

Dan breathed out heavily, "Never? What if I accidentally break my arm or something? I go home, and then never come back? What about my friends?"

Eleanor pulled him into a hug, "I know it's hard honey, but they're only doing it because they love you."

Dan nodded, "I know, and I appreciate it, I really do," He admitted. "I just wish I was free."

Suddenly the door bell rang, causing Eleanor and Dan to pull away from their hug, "It must be one of your friends!" Eleanor exclaimed. "And you have to point out that boy you were talking about!"

Dan stood up and opened the door, "Hello!" He chirped when he saw Chris, PJ and Phil stood on his patio. "How are you all?"

A mix of 'goods', and 'greats' echoed around. Dan smiled, immediately forgetting the bad news he'd been told only seconds before.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" Eleanor said from behind him. The three boys stepped inside and took off their shoes, and then Dan started to introduce them.

"Boys, this is Eleanor," he said, pointing to his Auntie. "Eleanor, this is Chris," he pointed at Chris who waved. "PJ," PJ smiled brightly. "And finally, this is Phil." He added pressure on Phil's name, Eleanor picked up straight away.

"Oh it's lovely to meet you boys! I've heard such nice things about you all." She said, smiling at them, but at Phil in particular.

Phil stepped forward slightly, "It's nice to meet you too, you have such a lovely home!" He told her. Eleanor sent Dan a look, making Dan chuckle.

She smiled, "Thank you Phil."

"Head on upstairs," Dan told them. "I'll be up in a moment."

They all ran up the stairs, and Dan turned to Eleanor.

"Phil, huh?" She winked. "I like him, you have my approval. Don't do anything dirty, go have fun."

Dan just shook his head and laughed, before running upstairs after his friends who were all stood around in his bedroom.

"Let's get this boll rolling, yeah lads?" Chris yells once he sees Dan.

PJ turned towards him, "Who even says that? We aren't doing the lottery." He laughs slightly, making Chris turn red. Dan just smirks, remembering what he saw at his last English lesson.

Phil smiled brightly at Dan, "Danny boy! What we doing then?" It was now Dan who was turning red.

"I think we should show how in all of Shakespeare's works, he always portrayed something about love, I think. Like in Macbeth for example, it all started because he killed the King to make his wife happy. That's love, in some creepy, a bit messed up way." PJ explained. "Maybe? I don't know. Someone else suggest something."

Phil sat down on Dan's bed, "Yeah I think you're onto something, maybe we should say about all of the plays he's written about love. I could look it up online to see if he actually had a girlfriend or anything?" Phil suggested, earning a nod from Chris.

"I like it!" Chris spoke up.

"Me too!" Dan piped in. "How about we split up? Chris and PJ you both look up about the plays to do with love and me and Phil will look up about his history with girlfriends and stuff?"

They all nodded to Dan's delight, and then they all started to work.

Dan sat next to Phil on his bed, while Chris and PJ slumped together on Dan's beanbag, both sharing a pair of headphones while they worked together.

"So," Dan started. "Have you finished the Maze Runner yet?"

Phil sighed, "No, they took it off me. I take a really long time to read books and they said that I reached my maximum reading time with that book, I was only half way through as well!"

An idea suddenly popped into Dan's head, one that he had thought in the bookshop when they first met too, "Have mine." He told him.

Phil turned around to look him in the eyes, "Wait, what?"

"Have my Maze Runner book, trust me, I don't want it." He lied. He did want it, but he'd love for Phil to have and plus, he could buy another one easily.

A smile crept his way onto Phil's face, "Are you sure?" He asked him. "Cause it's fine, you don't have to do that!"

Dan stood up and walked over to his bookshelf, picked up the Maze Runner and handed it to Phil, "I'm more than sure. Take it, I insist. It's a really good book, you don't want to miss out on it!"

Phil smiled even brighter, "Thank you so much! I'll give it back to you as soon as possible!"

"Keep it," Dan told him. Phil opened his mouth to argue but Dan stopped him. "Trust me. Keep it."

"Thank you so much, Dan. That's so kind of you."

Dan grinned back, sitting next to Phil again, "Anything for a friend."

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