Seven - Those Who Pity

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Pity: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others.

"No way," Dan whispered. "You did not!"

Phil nodded slowly, a small smile painted on his lips, "Yes I did. I still can't believe it though, one moment I was in Tesco, the next moment I was in Tesco with Emma Watson in front of me! You should've seen my face." He told Dan his story, who was listening intently to every word.

"I wish I would have seen your face. It would probably be the best thing ever." Dan commented. "And I wish I would have seen Emma Watson's face once you dropped the milk in front of her!" He added with a bright expression on his face. "Why'd you have to drop the milk? Why not play it cool?"

Phil shrugged, making Dan fall into fits of giggles, "Trust me, I've never been in front of anybody somewhat famous before." Dan's laughter died down a bit. "So when she said hello and asked if I was a fan, I swear I could have passed out. I'm not good with famous people, I prefer to sit behind my computer screen."

The two were walking to Geography, rather slowly as well. Their chatting definitely slowed them down, much to Chris and PJ's annoyance.

"Come on," Chris whined at them. "You're such slow walkers. I honestly give up with you two."

PJ sighed, tugging on Chris' arm softly, "Let's go on, yeah? They'll be talking for hours no doubt, and it won't be our fault that they're late for Geography. I certainly don't want to be, Miss Shaprio already hates me enough."

Chris mumbled a reply, before walking on with PJ faster to Geography. Yet, Dan and Phil were oblivious to them even speaking. They didn't even hear Chris' comment or PJ's remark. It was like they were in their own dreamland.

Dan and Phil were late to Geography. Well, according to the school if you turn up anytime after the bell goes you get classed as 'late' which Dan found extremely unfair. What if you needed to go to the loo? What if you need to get something from your locker? Surely they'd allow that?

"And where have you two been?" Miss Shaprio asked them both as they stumbled into the classroom, still laughing at one of Phil's crazy stories. Miss Shaprio came off as strict and harsh, but really she was caring. She only does what the school tells her, even if she doesn't agree with it.

Phil cleared his throat, "Sorry we're late Miss. Dan here," He paused and pointed to Dan. "Is new so I was just pointing things out and stuff." Phil explained, lying completely. Miss Shaprio's face softened and she pointed to a spare seat.

"Sit there then, is that okay Dan?" She checked. He nodded before sitting down, hearing some of the boys make cheeky comments. Luckily enough for him, his seat was at the table in front of Phil's.
What a coincidence.

Miss Shaprio looks sweet in Dan's opinion. She has dark brown hair, and black skin. She's quite short also, Dan noticed that he was nearly taller than her. Then again, he is freakishly tall.
She seemed really nice, and for some reason Dan took an instant liking to this teacher.

With Phil sat behind him and a nice teacher, Geography surely won't be too bad.

The day had passed by really quickly, and before Dan knew it, it was time to go home. PJ, Phil and Chris said goodbye as they live in a completely different direction where Dan's auntie lives. Where he lives he should say, but he didn't.

Dan felt happy. His main goal for coming over here was to feel normal and to feel happy, and he feels like he's achieved it. Sure, every five minutes he's somehow reminded about what he is doing, but then he just thinks to himself - hey, it's for their own good that they don't know, right?

Dan sighed loudly as he realised he really needed to pee. Like, right now. He cursed to himself as he walked back into the school, attempting to find the toilets as he was sure he wouldn't make it home.

Where did Jayden say the toilets were again?

He spent a while trying to find them, and he admits to himself that it would have been quicker just to have ran home. Luckily for him he found them, quickly did his business and then left.

Dan looked up to see the familiar backpack he saw today. Phil's. What was he doing at school? Shouldn't he be home by now? Running up to catch up with him, a smile found his way onto his face. But it soon disappeared.

Phil is crying.

Tears were falling down his face rapidly, and Dan didn't know what to do. He'd never ever been in this situation before.
"What's wrong?" He squeaked out, unable to find the right words.

"I don't want to talk about it," Phil whispered. "It's just some guys, I'll be fine. They're gone now."
That's when it clicked. What Chris meant when he said Phil was going through some things. Does Phil get bullied or something?

"Does it happen often?" Dan asked, hoping he was right. "You know..."
Phil just looked up and scoffed, "You've been here a day and there's already drama," He muttered. "Wait that came out wrong. I didn't mean that you start the drama I-"

Dan cut him off from his rambling, "It's okay, I know what you meant."
Phil smiled, "I'll tell you another time, I have to go this direction so. Yeah. It was really nice to have you at school today, Dan." He admitted.
Dan smiled back, "It was nice to be there." He glanced over to his direction, where a few boys in their year were walking away.

Phil looked over his shoulder, "Sorry. Looks like you're going the same direction as the guys I was talking about. Don't go that way. Go another. Trust me." Phil told him.
"It's fine," Dan assured. "I can handle myself."

Phil sighed, "Just be careful, okay? They're bad news." Worry was all over his face.

With that, Phil turned around and walked home. Dan felt his heart drop once he noticed how sad Phil really was, and he turned around with an angry expression towards the boys. Checking that Phil was gone, Dan walked towards them.

"Hey," He shouted. "Wait! You guys!" They all turned around, a scowl on each of their faces. Wow Phil really did mean it, these guys did look like bad news, "You need to leave Phil alone." He said confidently.
They all looked at each other and sniggered, "Really? Why would we do that?" They taunted.

"Because I'll pay you. I'll pay you guys to leave Phil alone and treat him like a human being." Dan told them. He had loads of money, he might as well do it for a nice cause. But, was this wrong? It's almost like your parents paying someone to be friends with you. Almost like what happened in...what was it? Mean Girls? He doesn't know. It was ages ago since he last watched.

No it's not like that. Phil will understand.

They all looked at him, "How much?" They asked.
"How much do you want?" He answered back confidently. "Name a price."
They all smiled, "Deal." One of them said, making a few of the other guys nod their heads.

"Only if you promise to never hurt Phil again, and to be his friend, then we have a deal. You just have to pretend to be his friend."

This isn't wrong, is it? It's going to make Phil happy, and he'll never find out...right?

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