Ten - Those Who Accept

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Accept: consent to receive or undertake (something offered).

Dan waited patiently by the school gates as the sharp, cold air nibbled at his fingers. He placed his hands in his pockets and took a deep breath in, waiting for the boys to come so this could be over with and he could just forget about it.

A few strangers walked passed him, glancing at the odd boy in front. Though Dan had tried his hardest to fit in, he couldn't stand out more if he tried. Obviously his hair cut and whole new look wasn't enough, as people still stared at him constantly, almost like they knew.

Dan closed his eyes and took another deep breath, he was being paranoid. Of course people didn't know, it was very unlikely that he'd meet someone who would.

Looking up and down the street, the gang of boys were still nowhere to be seen. Maybe they'd decided not to come and do the deal?
Whatever they were doing, he hoped they'd hurry up either way as people were starting to arrive at school.

He felt clean after his chat with Eleanor last night. Getting everything off his chest really helped him out, and he knew that he could trust her, so he had no worries. Also, the hot chocolate that she made him was delicious.

And then almost like they would in a movie, the gang of boys walked down the street towards Dan. None of them had a smile on their faces, so he could easily tell that they were here for the money only.

"Hey," Dan breathed out almost in relief. "I thought you weren't coming." He was relieved that they were here, as he only wanted Phil to be safe. How could he build a friendship with him when Phil is constantly picked on? Everything he's doing, he's doing for Phil.

"Who said we weren't? You got the money?" One of the boys spoke up, his voice rough and thick. Dan didn't say a word, he just simply nodded. "Good, £50 each."

Dan reached into his bag, "£50 each. But keep your end of the bargain, be kind to Phil and don't pick on him. If you see anybody bullying him then you stop them." Dan sternly said.

"Stopping other people wasn't part of the deal." Another boy said, crossing his muscular arms across his chest.

Dan sighed knowing he'd have to be stubborn to get what he wanted, "Do you want the money or not? That's the deal. Stick to it, you'll get the money. Don't stick to it, you don't. Do we have a deal?" He asked him, and after a few moments of silence, they all nodded.

Dan handed out £50 to all of them each, shaking hands with each one while they accepted the money. Soon enough, they all scrambled away with their money clutched to their hands, like children stealing chocolate from a corner shop.

He was left alone again, except now people were walking past him trying to walk into school. He was surprised they got away with that in a place so busy.

Dan decided to step back and wait a few minutes. One, so he could let the boys go on ahead and stay completely out of their way. Two, so he could check his timetable as he didn't really know that well what lessons he had today.

Groaning internally once he saw he had English first, he reluctantly trudged his way into the school, keeping his head down yet his hopes high.

People pushed past him, a few of them shoving. He still hasn't gotten used to it, it was so strange to him for people to treat him badly. He'd been treated like royalty all his life, well, that's because he is.

He'd remembered where the English rooms were from his tour yesterday, so he managed to get there without any help. He patiently waited outside the English classroom, when suddenly got a text from Phil.

Do you know where the English classrooms are? I'm in Room 32, are you?

Dan looked up to his classroom and smiled widely. Room 32.

Yeah I'm outside my room now, we're in the same room! Who else is in our class?

A few people started to wait outside his room, but he didn't recognise any of them. To be fair - he'd only been here a day. Knowing people's names wasn't the thing on top of his list.

His phoned pinged again and he looked down and checked his phone, while also putting it on silent for school purposes.

Oh that's good then! Chris and PJ are in that class too, and then the rest you don't have to worry about. There's nobody mean or anything in this class.

Okay...also if we need to go in partners can I go with you? I don't want to be alone.

Sure! Chris and PJ always go together anyways. Make sure to rush in and sit by us otherwise our teacher will put you in a seat of her choice.

Wait, where are you guys? The bell is about to go.

We're coming round the corner. Chris was flirting with PJ on the way here, it was very uncomfortable..can't they get a room? Jesus

Dan looked up from his phone when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder, expecting it to be Phil, he smiled. But when he looked up properly he realised it wasn't Phil, instead a girl and his smile dropped.

"Uh, you do realise we have a project today being set, right?" She told him. Dan politely nodded, as he didn't know who she was. "Yeah, also, who are you? I'm Ally."

"I'm Dan, and I'm new." He replied.

She was chewing on her gum obnoxiously loud, and nodded, "Alright Dan." She winked. "I'll see you around."

He couldn't have been happier when she turned around to talk to her friends.

He couldn't have been happier when he looked up and saw Phil's bright face, smiling back at him.

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