Fourteen - Those Who Snap

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Snap: done or taken on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly, or without notice.


Sunday's are those days where you sit around, not a care in the world, completely calm. Some people tend to do homework on Sunday's, or chores that they didn't do it the day before. Usually on Sunday's in the castle, Dan would relax and watch a few DVDs. Completely calm.

But not today. Currently, Dan was running around his room, trying to do his hair, put on his clothes nicely, brush his teeth. He was late by ten minutes, and that wasn't good, especially as he only got out of bed ten minutes ago.

Yesterday he'd spent the day with Chris, PJ, and Phil. All was well for a while, when suddenly Chris got very angry with PJ and told him that he hated him, and stormed off. He didn't pick up any of Dan's calls, and only replied to one text saying, "I'm fine, just need some time alone."

PJ was confused to say the least, Chris had been fine with him for ages and then suddenly, he just, snapped. Just like that.

Chris screamed, "I hate you! I hate you so damn much it hurts! Won't you ever leave me alone, you just, just - ugh! I hate you! Don't speak to me ever again!"

Everybody was shocked at his sudden outburst, and Dan and Phil decided to go out today and talk about it. They invited PJ, but he just stated that he couldn't, and made up some obviously fake excuse why. But he didn't need to, everybody already understood.

They agreed to meet at the café for 12:30, but now it was 12:40 and Dan was horrified, he'd never been late to something in his whole entire life.
Okay, he's always late. It's his thing.

Dan quickly put on his jeans, ran to the mirror and started to straighten his hair. Once he was finished with that, he put some clear mascara on and then hurriedly rushed downstairs, completely forgetting to brush his teeth.

"Bye Eleanor!" He shouted out, running out the door and grabbing his wallet and shoving it in his pocket along with his phone.

Luckily him and Phil said that they weren't going to go into town, instead they decided on the small café down the road. Dan slowed down and speed walked, resisting the urge to run as he knew if he did he'd be sweaty and out of breath in a few minutes.

He finally reached the café where he saw Phil sat at a table with a hot chocolate in his hand and a bored expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," Dan apologised. "I woke up late and time slipped away completely and I feel horrible that I kept you waiting for so long." He rubbed his forehead with his hand, and looked up to see Phil now looking quite amused.

He shook his head and let out a small laugh, "Dan it's okay don't panic, I was five minutes late too. Go grab a drink." Phil told him, smiling brightly making Dan feel warm inside.

Dan nodded and walked into the actual café, Jamtate Café, and pulled out his wallet. Like Phil, he bought a steaming hot cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon on the top and walked back to where Phil was sitting.

Dan pulled out a chair and sat down, "Sleep well?" He asked.

Phil took a sip of his hot chocolate, "Yeah, I guess. But I'm real worried about Chris, like it came out of nowhere. They were just quietly chatting and bam!" Phil exclaimed.

"Yeah, I didn't see it coming..." Dan trailed off and silence was in the atmosphere. Ever since yesterday it had been a bit awkward, and Dan didn't know why. They were fine but then suddenly he had nothing to say, and it was awkward.

"Should we, uh, text Chris or something?" Phil questioned. Dan hummed in response, taking a sip from his hot chocolate.

Dan nodded, "Yeah," He decided to question what was going on. "Also, are you okay with me?"

Phil seemed taken back by the question, "Of course I am." He scoffed, Dan didn't believe him but dropped it.

There was something going on with Phil.

There was something going on with Chris and PJ.

And Dan didn't know which one to worry about the most.

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