Sixteen - Those Who Misunderstand

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Misunderstand: fail to interpret or understand the words or actions of (someone) correctly.

Dan looked down at his shaking hands, and paused completely still. He took a deep, long breath in and out to get things straight.

PJ likes him? This can't be happening. Chris likes PJ.

Panicking, he decided to call PJ and make sense of it all. Before he told anybody, especially Chris, he needs to see what PJ meant.

PJ picked up on the second ring.

"Hello?" His voice echoed through the phone.

Dan brung the phone to his ear, "Hey, so about that text you just sent me..." He trailed off, deciding to let PJ do all the talking.

"Text? Did I send you a text?" PJ questioned, Dan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I don't think I did, I might of butt typed it. Phil does that all the time."

Dan nodded even though PJ couldn't see him, "Yeah," He confirmed. "The 'I think I love you' thing..."

He heard PJ gasp, "No! Oh my gosh!" He yelled.

Dan stayed silent.

"I'm so sorry Dan, I meant to send that to Chris. C and D are right next to each other and I think I clicked it fast and woah, I'm so sorry." He told him in a hurry, eager to tell him.

Dan's eyes widened, "Did you say Chris? You love Chris? Holy shit, no way!" He yelled in excitement.

"I didn't mean to say you hate me?"

Dan smiled, "Not at all. I have a plan, meet me in ten minutes, Jamtate Café?"

"Sure thing, thanks for understanding."

Dan smiled again before turning back around and walking towards the café again. He had a plan, he had no idea whether it would work or not, but it was worth a shot.


PJ sat on the field, his picnic blanket led neatly on the ground. He had all of Chris' favourite foods around him, and a bunch of flowers in his hand.

Dan had told him everything.
Why Chris was mad at him yesterday, why Chris was doing all of this. Chris liked him back.

Dan had suggested PJ telling him his feelings, as that's what he was going to do anyways. Maybe PJ's text idea wasn't the most romantic one.

So Dan set it all up, they ran to the nearest supermarket and got all the food and bought a cheap picnic mat. Hopefully Chris would say yes even though he liked him back because PJ was going to ask him out. To be his boyfriend.

PJ was freaking out, to put it frankly.

Suddenly, he got a text from Dan.

I told Chris that I needed meet him at Malyn Park and that it was urgent. He's on his way, good luck.

He breathed out, this had been a really busy day.

He's on his way, I see him.


PJ chuckled down at his phone, before standing up so Chris could see him.

Chris cleared his throat and walked over to PJ, "Sorry, um, do you know where Dan is?"

PJ smiled, "Actually you're here for me, sit down."

"No I'm bloody not, get out PJ, where's Dan?" He said a bit annoyed now.

PJ took a deep breath, "I love you. Like, in that way. Sorry. Actually I'm not sorry, you're really fit."

Chris stepped back in surprise, "Wait what? Is this a prank because it's not funny."

"I've loved you for a very long time," he started. "This isn't a prank, this is a confession. I want to be with you, Chris. I want everything to do with you, not only because I love you, but because you love me back. Well, I'm hoping anyways." PJ confessed.

Chris' eyes widened, "I...I don't know what to say."

"Say yes, will you be my boyfriend?" PJ asked worriedly, waiting for the reply.

Chris smiled brightly, his guard already going down, "Yes. Of course I will."

In the distance, you could see Dan partying and dancing around in a bush by himself with binoculars.

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