Seventeen - Those Who Confess

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Confess: acknowledge something reluctantly, typically because one feels slightly ashamed or embarrassed.

PJ sat down on the picnic mat, his hand locked with Chris' who was sitting down too.

"All of your favourite foods," PJ told him, opening the picnic basket but still his hand in Chris'. "Especially for you."

Chris blushed, "This is so sweet, but can I ask a question?" He worriedly asked.

"Of course you can." PJ told him.

Chris cleared his throat, "What made you do this? We were in a fight, and well, that's the worst time to tell somebody that you kinda love them. It's just surprising that's all."

"Well I accidentally texted Dan my confession. I was so sad about you being annoyed with me, I don't know why I did it, I just did. Dan then told me that you liked me after I explained that it wasn't meant for him." PJ told him.

"Ah, makes sense." Chris smiled.

"So, I think it's their turn now." PJ told Chris, picking up a strawberry and putting it in his mouth.

"Their turn?" Chris asked him.

PJ nodded, "Dan helped me with my love life, now I help him with his. It's so obvious that Dan likes Phil. Let's do it right now!"

"I thought I was the only one who noticed that! How are we gonna do it?" He questioned, sitting up.

PJ grinned, "We tell Dan to man up and tell him how he feels."


"Are you guys sure about this? I mean, you didn't have to interrupt your date to help me get one." Dan told them both as he stood outside Phil's house, a letter in his hands.

Chris sighed, "Come on man! Post it, he's never going to know how you feel if you don't tell him. Plus, the letter idea is cheesy but cute. Phil's a sucker for that kind of stuff." He commented.

Dan sighed, mocking Chris, "I don't know, I think I might just go home. I'll tell him, I just don't want to be turned down...I'm afraid."

PJ and Chris nodded, "We'll be here when you want to." They told him. "Now if you don't mind us, we're going to go back to our date."

They both began to walk away, hand in hand. Dan smiled, he was happy for them. He just wished things could be that simple for him and Phil.

Phil doesn't like him back from what he could tell. He's shown no signs, and besides, he hasn't even known him for even a month. He had no chance.

He decided to walk away too, the letter still grasped in his hand tightly. As he will post that letter, but not now, not when Phil could come and talk to him about it.

He needed to do it at a time where he could post it, run away and then be able to talk about it a few hours after that.

Later on that night, Dan was sat quietly on his bed breathing in the silence. He looked at the time.


A rush of determination flooded through him as he ran down the stairs, the letter in his hand.

"Where are you going?" Eleanor asked him.

"I just need to post something urgent, I'll be back as soon as possible!" He shouted back, and before she could argue he was gone.

He sprinted down the way to Phil's house, it wasn't far but it wasn't close either so he was out of breath pretty quickly.

He doesn't run, but he'd run for Phil.

Dan approached Phil's house and stopped for a minute to catch his breath, he stared up the house.
Phil's light was on.

He took a deep breath in, and posted the letter through the door. Then, before he could do anything else, he ran all the way home.

Dear Phil,

This is probably really weird for you right now, but I kinda have a little crush on you. I know it's super strange to say it in a letter, but I wanted this to be romantic so...

I know you don't like me back and that's okay. I just wanted to tell you and if you're not okay with me having a crush on you then I'd understand and stay away.

I know we haven't known each other that long but to me it feels like a lifetime. Growing up I never had many friends and though I was liked, I didn't feel like j fit in anywhere.

But with you I feel normal, and I want to thank you for that.

Yes I'm not in love with you, I haven't known you long enough for that and I certainly don't understand people who choose to be in love. But I understand this, and though it's just a little crush, I thought you deserved to know.

Lots of love,

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