Fifteen - Those Who Surprise

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Surprise: (of something unexpected) cause (someone) to feel mild astonishment or shock.

"So, what should we do?"

Dan shrugged in response to Phil's question, because he didn't know either. They were still sat in the café an hour later, trying to think of ways to find out what's going on with Chris and PJ and how to fix it.

"Texting him is too...causal. Should we ask them if they wanted to come round yours again tonight and do the project again, and then we can see what they say? Or should we give them space?" Phil suggested, taking a bite from the carrot cake him and Dan bought a few minutes ago, which they were sharing.

Dan hummed, "Yeah, that's a good plan. If we try and find out what's going on, we can try and do something. I don't want to sit back and watch them fight."

"Yeah I agree." Phil replied.

Dan leaned forward, "So do they fight often? I haven't been here long but they seemed fine with each other, and then suddenly everything just went off like a bomb." He used big hand gestures to show his point.

Phil shook his head, "No. Actually, I don't think they've ever fought in the time I've known them. I'm just as surprised as you. Also, sorry about this. It's your first week and you're already getting drama." He apologised.

"No it's okay, it's not your fault," Dan told him with a smile. "Um, it's totally crazy but I have an idea of why this might be happening."

"Do you?" Phil questioned.

"Yeah," Dan gulped. "Like I said before, totally crazy, but do you maybe think Chris likes PJ?"

Phil scoffed, "Of course I do. I was guessing the same thing."

Dan gasped in surprise and happiness, "Really? I was right?"

"Well, I've known them for three years and they've always flirted with each other. It's so cannon, but it's just not cannon yet. Does that make sense?"

"Hell yeah," Dan breathed out. "So should we set them up or?"

"I think we should call Chris, and ask him to come round here. We can maybe try and get it out of him." Phil suggested, Dan nodded in agreement.

Phil took out his smashed iPhone 4, "Fit for a prince, right?" He laughed. Dan just faked a grin and nodded and tried to shove his iPhone 6s back into his pocket.

Chris picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" Chris answered through the phone. "Phil, what do you want?"

"Look, I'm here with Dan and we just want to talk to you. Would you maybe come and meet us and explain? We're at Jamtate café." Phil almost begged.

Chris sighed, "Okay," He mumbled. "Only for a bit though."

Phil high fived Dan and chirped a, "Bye!" before putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Now it's time to reveal!" Phil said, faking an evil laugh.


Chris turned up at the café ten minutes later, his clothes dirty and his hair greasy and not brushed.

"Hey guys," He whispered so quietly, that Dan and Phil had to be completely still to hear him. "So let's talk. I don't have long though."

Dan looked at Phil nervously for reassurance, once Phil nodded he took a deep breath, "AreyouinlovewithPJbecausewethinkyouare." He rambled out all at once, not pausing at all.

"I'm sorry, what? I didn't get a word of that."

"Are you in love with PJ because we think you are." Dan said again, this time more slowly and calm.

Chris' eyes widened, "W-what?" He stuttered out.

Phil placed his hand on Chris', "Please tell us the truth."

Chris gulped, "Maybe a little," He looked down at his shoes. "Okay, maybe a lot. Maybe that's the reason why I got mad yesterday. Okay? Happy now?" He snapped. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." He sunk back into his chair.

Phil moved his hand from Chris' hand and gave him a sad smile, "It's okay. You have nothing to be ashamed of. We're all in love with somebody."

Dan stiffened but he refused to show it.

"I think it's just the fact that he'll never love me back, and no matter what I do, I never seem to be enough. I make him laugh, I make him happy, at least I think I do. What more does he want?" Chris sniffed.

Dan's shoulders slumped, he understood, "You know, people have a funny way of showing they love each other. Some people love that certain person so much, but they can't show it. I'm not gonna give you false hope, all I'm gonna say is he might love you back in that way. But whatever happens, good or bad, he'll always love you as a friend."

"Yeah! You'll never know if you never ask!" Phil told him.

Chris looked up at them both, smiling widely, "Thank you guys. I'm going to go now, I'll see you tomorrow, thanks for cheering me up a little. Text me if PJ says anything."

Phil nodded, standing up, "I think I'm going to go too."

Dan stood up, said goodbye to them and then started to walk back home.

The air had now turned cold, and he wrapped his arms around himself in attempt to stay warm. His headphones in, the world blocked out, he couldn't be more at peace.

"Ugh, I hate this song." He whispered to himself as he turned on his phone to change it. He stopped in his tracks, his eyes widened.

It was a text message.
A text message from the wrong person.

I think I love you

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