Twenty-Four - Those Who Apologise

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Apologise: express regret for something that one has done wrong.

Thousands of worries entered his head as he stepped into the crowded school gym, filled with stupid teenagers and moody teachers.

He instantly searched for Phil, ignoring the glances he got every few seconds. People thought he was gone after what the boys did to him, but they were wrong. He'd never let bullies get him down. And once he got Phil back, he was going for them next.

Suddenly someone bumped into him, making him gasp.

"Sorry, I didn't mean - Dan? Oh it's the shithead! In that case," Chris shouted, even though it seemed like an inside voice because of how loud the music was playing. "I did mean to! Without meaning to!"

Dan sighed and grabbed Chris' arm, dragging him over to the corner of the room out of sight, "I've returned." Dan told him.

"Well done Sherlock, I'm aware." Chris sarcastically replied.

"I'm here to win Phil back," Dan said, ignoring Chris' comment. "I'm here to apologise to everybody and hopefully stay."

Chris' eyes softened, "You really hurt him, y'know. He wouldn't speak to any of us for ages. He would just sit with us at lunch, a blank expression on his face. Wouldn't even eat. He thought it was all his fault that you left."

Dan's heart broke, "But it's not his fault at all! It's mine! I really need to speak to him, and he really needs to listen."

"As much as I would say that he doesn't need anything from you," Chris paused. "He is pretty broken. Try and fix him again, if not then I'm sorry but just go home."

Dan gave him a soft smile, "I'll do much more than that. Starting from now I'm saying the truth, and the truth only. Where's Phil?"

Chris seemed like he'd given up, and pointed to the other side of the room where Phil and PJ were clearly sat awkwardly in the corner. Dan muttered a 'thanks' and began to walk over there, trying not to start a scene.

He placed a hand on Phil's shoulder, it was now or never.

Phil turned around, and suddenly Dan was taken away. Phil looked breath-taking in his eyes. He was going to tell him that. It was the truth and from now on, he always tells the truth.

"You look amazing." Dan told him confidently.

Phil narrowed his eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to make it up to you." Dan smiled.

Phil didn't look pleased with that answer, "Make it up to me? How? Pay me to forgive you? That's not going to work, especially not on me." He snapped.

Dan took a deep breath, "Phil I came over here to tell you that I'm sorry and I regret-"

"I've had enough."

Dan sighed heavily, "For heavens sake, let me speak!" He shouted. Phil quietened down. "As I was saying-"

"I'm sorry I can't hear you." Phil replied, scratching the back of his neck.

Dan didn't blame him, the music was so loud he couldn't even hear himself think. He got an idea suddenly, it was crazy, but it could work.

He ran away from Phil to the DJ, who was standing on a small platform stage thing holding a microphone. He grabbed the microphone and switched off the music, getting cliche groans and shouts of protests from all the people in the gym.

"Can I get your attention please? Just for a minute?" He asked everybody. All eyes were on him, he took a deep breath.

Just like making a speech, he told himself, except this time it's for love.

"I wasn't truthful with all of you guys, this lead you to make a very...horrible video of me and Phil. Who, didn't deserve any of it. Me however, well, I did." He paused.

"Why don't you tell the truth for once!" A girl shouted out from the crowd, earning agreements to ripple through the crowd.

"You're right there. Why don't I tell the truth for once? Here's the truth. I hurt people and it was all my fault. I hurt my friends and along the way I hurt myself,

I thought that you guys wouldn't accept me for who I am. I mean, aren't we all scared of that? Being rejected?" Everybody nodded their heads. "So why are you all doing this to me, and other people for literally being themselves? What about you? I'm sure you have some big secret you want to tell the world."

Sharpay ran to the front, "My secret is that I'm in love with Troy Bolton!" She yelled.

Every person in the gym sighed, "We know!" Everybody shouted at once.

Dan continued, "So I lied, and it got out of control. I'm not proud of it. Especially with the money situation, I don't know what came over me, I just...I couldn't stand seeing him get hurt." He admitted, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, What Time Is It? I've Gotta Go My Own Way, hopefully we can Work This Out somehow. I don't mean to ruin your speech and stuff but my mums gonna kill me if I'm home late, you can Bet On It." Sharpay called out again.

"Uhm, nine?" Dan replied awkwardly. This girl was weird. From always singing solos in the lunch about her chicken being cold or her salad having too much lettuce, Dan decided that he would stay away from the crazy singing girl who always sung at every problem.

He couldn't catch a break tonight.

"Fabulous!" She shouted. "Over there, they have ice tea imported from England!"

Dan stared at her worriedly, "We are in England," He whispered, before shaking it off.

"Listen...I made a mistake. I made a huge one and this is me now trying, no, begging you to forgive me. Especially one person in particular." Dan said. He turned to face Phil, who was now at the front next to Sharpay, both of them tearing up.

He locked eyes with him, "I messed up and I hurt the one I care about the most. I would do absolutely anything to make them happy again, and if me not being there anymore makes them happy, then so be it. You asked for the truth, I gave you it." Dan told everybody.

"I'm a prince. I messed up. And I'm hopelessly in love with Phil Lester."

Phil smiled, "You're also an idiot." He mouthed.

Dan smiled too, "I know." He mouthed back.

Dan jumped off the small platform, microphone still in hand as he walked towards Phil, "So I'm asking, will you be my prince?"

Phil grinned, "As long as you'll be mine."

Sorry about this chapter...I really like High School Musical, even though I'm a grown teenage girl. No shame.
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