Eighteen - Those Who Thank

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Thank: express gratitude to (someone), especially by saying 'Thank you'

Can I meet you at the school gates at 8:30?

Of course...um, by any chance did you get a letter?

From you? Yes. That's why I want to speak to you.

Dan's heart started beating wildly in his chest, and he quickly put his choice of clothes for today and ran downstairs.

8:15, the clock read.

He signed, either it would be fifteen minutes before he got turned down, or fifteen minutes before he maybe might get a boyfriend.

He quickly got his breakfast, and gathered the last things he needed for school. Eleanor was still asleep so he left her a little note saying that he left for school and everything was okay.

He walked slowly, trying to think of different things to say to Phil. After all, it was only a little crush, it wasn't something worth getting upset about.

The thing  he was scared of however, is that he'd only known Phil for a week. That's not very long.

Phil might think he's creepy? Phil might laugh at him? A million thoughts rushed through his head at once when he saw Phil standing at the gates, alone.

He smiled at him brightly when he saw Dan, and let Dan walk to him.

"Hey," Phil greeted when Dan was close enough. "You came."

Dan nodded, "Yeah I did, why wouldn't I?" He took a deep breath. "Look Phil, about that letter. Honestly, it's only a little crush you don't have to worry-"

"Stop," Phil said and then let out a laugh. "I feel it too. It is weird that it's only been a week, but love doesn't wait, huh?" He laughed again.

Dan flinched at the word 'love' but tried not to let it show.

He looked down at his shoes, "So what do we do now?"

Phil smiled, "If it's okay, I'd like to kiss your cheek..."

Dan nodded and Phil stepped forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"I've wasted my whole life on waiting...not this time." Dan muttered.

He grabbed Phil's face and placed his lips on his, and put his hands around Phil's neck as Phil put his around Dan's waist.

Dan giggled as they pulled away, his face flushed bright red.

"Forward," Phil commented. "I like it. Do you maybe wanna go out with me?"

"Yes I do."

Phil looked down at the floor, "Everything changed when you showed up," he looked up back at Dan. "PJ and Chris finally admitted their feelings, I got a boyfriend, those boys for some reason haven't talked to me at all."

"You made everything better, Dan. Thank you. Thank you for doing the thing everybody always doesn't, and always telling me the truth."

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