Twenty-Six - Those Who Love

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Love: feel deep affection or sexual love for (someone).

"So, here's my home country!" Dan basically yelled as they stepped off his private jet.

Phil gasped at the sight around him. The plane had landed in a closed off garden area, but around the concrete landing there was millions of flowers and trees. It was a beautiful sight just outside the castle.

"Is it okay if we go and see my parents first? I'm pretty sure they want to meet you." Dan told Phil, taking his hand in his as they walked into the middle of the castle.

Phil nodded, "That's fine. Where's our luggage by the way?" He asked, still looking around the area.

Dan shrugged, "Don't worry about that. We have people to do that for us."

Phil still wasn't pleased with the answer, but carried on walking, "Is there anything I should know before I meet your parents?"

"One thing, don't use slang. But apart from that, they'll love you!" Dan told him.

Suddenly he heard a squeal come from behind them, "Daniel!" His mother smiled. "And Phillip!"

Dan's dad walked over to Phil and held his hand out, "Nice to finally meet you."

Phil shook his hand, "Nice to meet you too. I have heard a lot about you both."

"Daniel, why didn't you tell me Phillip was a cutie too?" Dan's mother bought Phil into a hug. "Welcome to the family."

"I am so sorry about what happened before with the boys. You and Daniel did not deserve that at all. The boys who did that are gone now but I still want you two to be careful, okay?" Dan's father said.

Dan and Phil both nodded.

"Okay then, Phillip it was lovely to meet you. We will let you get settled in and then we can have dinner." Dan's mother smiled once again.

"Thank you." Phil grinned as Dan's parents walked away.

Dan chuckled, "They love you already. Not anymore than I do though, nobody can top me." He joked.

Phil wrapped his arm around Dan's waist and smiled for the millionth time, "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too, my little prince." He whispered back.

Because at the end of the day, who wants to be normal when you can be one of Those Who Love?

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