Five - Those Who Promise

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Promise: a declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.

Phil laughed softly at Chris' comment, "It's his first day, what do you expect?" He poked Chris' side. "So, you've never really had a lot of social interaction then Dan? I mean, you were homeschooled so..." Phil guessed, his voice fading in uncertainty.

Dan nodded, "Yeah I haven't really been around this many people before." He lied. "It's all so new for me. I don't feel like I'd ever get used to it."

"Phil talked a lot about you," PJ told Dan, making Phil's eyes widen. "He texted us both immediately. Did you both know each other before?" PJ asked them. Phil shook his head.

"We met for the first time. Actually, it was rather funny. Dan sat next to me-" Phil started before being cut off by Chris, who was rolling his eyes dramatically making PJ laugh.

"And he fell over. We know. You've told us so many times." Chris commented, putting pressure on the word so. "Then you said he could hang around with us, which I'm fine with by the way and then you left and texted us being all like 'Oh my gawd! Call 999 there's a fire at the library from the hot new boy!"

Phil flushed red instantly, "Uh, I never said that." He muttered awkwardly to Dan.

He did.

PJ raised an eyebrow, before changing the subject, "So," He said now whispering as Mrs Welme started the lesson. "Where'd you move from?" He asked Dan.

Panic rushed through Dan, what was he supposed to say? He couldn't say where he was really from, otherwise they might look it up and find out about him.

"Ireland," Dan lied once again. "Uh, I don't have an Irish accent because..." He trailed off, looking for excuses. This was actually harder than he thought. "I just don't." He blurted out.

The three boys each nodded and made a sound of understanding, and Dan relaxed slightly and lent back in his chair.

"Boys!" A loud voice erupted them from their conversation and daydreams, making all of them jump. "Concentrate! How are you supposed to learn French if you don't listen?"

"Google translate." Chris muttered under his breath quietly making Dan giggle. Obviously not quiet enough, because Mrs Welme's face quickly turned red with anger and she walked up closer to Chris.

She cleared her throat, "Smart comebacks don't get you anywhere. Find a new hobby." She snapped back.

Dan looked at her in shock, "You can't talk to him that way. Miss, that's incredibly rude!"
Mrs Welme's face turned from angry to a rabbit caught in the headlights in a second, and she took a deep breath, "Um, I'm sorry. Sorry Chris for my behaviour."

She walked back to the front of the class ready to continue with the lesson, while everybody stared at Dan. He sunk back in his seat slowly, closing his eyes and thinking, 'Why did I have to do that on my first day?'

Chris shook his head in disbelief while his mouth curved into a small smile, "Definitely a talent. And you definitely need to teach me it." Dan shrugged making Chris scoff. "You don't know the power you possess."

The lesson continued normally. The four boys quietly talking, and Chris being amazed at Dan's power to make the teachers do what ever he wanted. Though, he admits that for most of it he was just staring at Phil when he could.

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