Twenty-Two - Those Who Depart

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Depart: to leave.

"You packed everything?" Eleanor asked Dan softly. He nodded slowly and looked down at the floor, taking a deep breath in. Eleanor sighed. "He didn't call, did he?"

Dan shook his head, "I've seen him around a few times in the corridor but he never spoke to me, and now he never will. I feel terrible Eleanor, he looked so sad and I hate to be the cause of it."

Eleanor smiled sadly, "Maybe it's a good thing that you're going back home. It'll give you a fresh start," She paused, regretting her last words. "Another one. Life is full of fresh starts and second chances."

He shrugged, "I just wish that I'd told him the truth from the start. None of this would have happened and I'd still be here, with you."

"I know, sweetheart," She bought him into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you a lot. But you'll see that this happened for a reason, and it sucks now and I know everybody says it, but it will all be okay in the end."

"But it's not okay right now."

Phil, Chris and PJ haven't spoken to him since Monday. He hated not being able to say goodbye to Chris and PJ and thank them for their kindness, but he knew that if he did, they'd just yell at him and he certainly didn't want that. It was all for the better.

He and Eleanor pulled away from their hug, she kissed his cheek, "Bye Dan, hopefully I'll see you soon if your parents ever allow you to come back," He waved and began to walk out the door. "Oh, and if Phil does text you or something, please tell me. I want know." She winked.

"I will. Thank you for letting me stay here and for everything else. I'll text you, even if Phil doesn't talk to me ever again. You're my best friend." He replied.

"No problem at all, Danny. Love you to the moon and back."

He closed the door and walked to his limo. There was no point going in a small car when everybody around knew he was a prince, he decided he might as well travel in style. His luggage was being carried by his driver to his car so he took the moment to plug in his headphones, choose a song and get himself ready for the car journey to the airport.

He turned around and saw Eleanor waving out the window, he smiled and waved back. He was going to miss being here, but he couldn't wait to go and see his parents again.

The car and the plane ride were boring - mostly filled with Dan's head rested on his hand as he thought about what a huge mistake he made.

On the last few days of being there, he was alone. Nobody dared to come near him in fear that he'll have them 'executed' which he found himself laughing at. Nobody did that traditionally nowadays.

He sat alone in lunch. He found a small area which he could just fit into that was behind a bush, where nobody could find him. The downside was that to get to this place he had to walk past Phil, Chris and PJ.

Once he got off his private plane, he bought out his phone and sent a message to Chris.

I'm home now. I just wanted to say thank you for everything and your kindness and I'm sorry I wasn't truthful and hurt you guys.

A few minutes later, he got a reply.

I kinda understand why you did it but telling the truth wouldn't of killed anyone and we could have helped you out I just feel kinda used

Sorry I made you feel that way.

"Daniel!" His mother and father screeched in happiness as they saw him. "It's so lovely to see you again, love. Come in, tell us everything!"

He gave them both a hug and walked inside his palace. He'd missed this place.


"-and that is why I'm now back here." He finished explaining everything that had happened to his parents while he ate his food that had been placed in front of him.

His mother sighed, "You had to lie though, Daniel. I'm sorry. I know it was difficult but not lying defeats the whole object of you having a normal life. Besides, why would you want one? You've got everything you need here!"

His father nodded in agreement, "So this Phillip, was he good looking?" He chuckled.

Dan laughed at his fathers bluntness, "Very," He smiled. "Actually, I have a photo of him on my phone. Wait, didn't you guys see the video? He was on that."

She shook her head, "No. We refused to watch it and took it down as soon as we could. It wasn't fair on either of let's see that photo!"

Dan laughed again and bought out his phone and showed them. Their laughter died down.

"You really liked this boy, huh?" His father asked him. Dan nodded, causing his father to send a look to his mother.

"Well then," His mother smiled. "I know I said you couldn't go back but..."

"Wait, are you saying I can go back?" Dan's face lit up.

His mother smirked. That could only mean one thing...
She had a plan.

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