Twenty-Five - Those Who Forgive

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Forgive: stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake.

"When your legs don't work like they used to before..." Dan quietly sung to Phil as they swayed back and forth on the dance floor, Phil's head on Dan's shoulder.

"And I can't sweep you off of your feet."

Phil smiled as Dan sung to him, "Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?" Phil sung back, making Dan giggle.

"Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?" They sung together, both laughing messes.

"Hey I have a question." Dan said nervously.

Phil pulled back his head to look him in the eyes, "Okay, go ahead."

"Why did you forgive me?" Dan asked. "A few minutes ago you hated me."

Phil sighed, "I looked at it from your point of view. I didn't realise it would be so hard for you and I hardly gave you chances to explain. Even though I am still a little hurt, I'm okay, now that I have you back." He told him.

Dan grinned, "Thank you. And I did mean it, I'm sorry for hurting you and everything else. I wish I just told you the truth from the start. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

Phil raised an eyebrow, "Anything?" He smirked, making Dan nod. "Okay, go up to the stage, grab the microphone again and sing the rest of Thinking Out Loud to me and everybody else in this room."

Dan burst out laughing, "Do you know how bad my singing voice is? You'll go deaf!"

Phil laughed along with him, "Okay, okay, good point," Dan hit his shoulder playfully. "But you are going to sing that to me sometime. That's our song, okay?"

"Yes." Dan just whispered, still a tooth-eating grin on his face. All he could feel was pure happiness by being with the one who he loves again.

"Want to go outside? The music is still really loud, and even though they're playing our song," Phil blushed. "I'd love to be able to talk to you about everything. Even though we're fine now some answers would be nice."

Dan nodded, "Of course." He said, taking Phil's hand in his and leading him outside.

They entered the back of their school, which was surprising empty and quiet. Dan faced Phil, their hands still locked and grazed his hand over Phil's cheekbone affectionally.

Phil slapped his hand away, like he did before. Mostly because he wanted some answers. Sure, he forgave him. He could always take it back. He needs the truth.

"I just want the truth. Every bit of it. I may of forgiven you but I can unforgive you just as that even a word?" He asked.

Dan sighed and dropped his hands, "Everything I said. I know I lied before, but I won't do it again. I've changed."

Phil hesitantly moved closer, "Look, I still really like you but I don't think we should date again." Phil rushed out.

"W-what?" Dan whispered.

He looked down at the ground, "I'm not good at long distance relationships, if I'm honest. I haven't been in one, true, but it's not something I'd like."

Dan smiled, "I'm staying this time. I think so, at least. I hope so."

"Oh," He smiled too. "Well then I take back what I just said. I hope you are too."

"By the way, what those boys said about's not true. Besides, Eleanor showed the headteacher the video and they all got expelled. Forever. Isn't that great? We don't have to worry about them anymore! Well, certainly not at school." Dan told him.

Phil nodded, "Thank you." He whispered.

Dan broke the silence after a few moments, "This is totally weird, I know. And you don't have too, but I'm going to ask you anyways. In the summer do you want to come back to my home country with me? I'll give you a tour of the palace and-"

"Dan, stop rambling," Phil interrupted him. "Of course, I would love to."

Dan grinned again and joined their lips together.

And in that moment, it felt like they were unstoppable.

One more chapter left!!
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