Eleven - Those Who Plan

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Plan: a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.

"You were all correct," the teacher started. "There is a project. Yes, you have to do it before any of you ask. No exceptions." She seemed to glance at Dan when she said that, making him sink back in his chair slightly.

Mrs Drew continued, "You will work in small groups. It can either be a pair, a four, or a five. No more than that, so choose your group members wisely." She smiled at the class - which was quite obviously fake - and then sat down at her desk.

People took this as a sign to rush to who they are going to be working with and go and sit by them. Dan just stayed in seat waiting for someone to ask him.

To be honest, he was actually waiting for Phil. Also Chris and PJ, but mostly Phil.

Suddenly Dan heard a chair screeching and he saw Phil moving his chair next to his. A soft smile appeared on Dan's chapped lips and he moved round so he could see Phil more easily.

"So bitches," Chris greeted while PJ walked behind him. "We're working together."

PJ just simply rolled his eyes at his friend and sat down, leaning his head on his hands, "I'm the creative one. Should I bounce some ideas?"

Chris tutted, "What about little Danny over here? We haven't given him a chance. What if he's the most creative person in the world and we'll never find out because you thought you were?" He told PJ, quite obviously joking.

"Trust me, I'm not creative at all." Dan told them.

"You could be." Chris argued back.

"I wouldn't bet on it." Dan replied.

Phil sighed jokingly, "Once the married couple has finished fighting, we'll start thinking of ideas." He chuckled.

"What is this project about anyways?" PJ asked them, leaning back on his chair. Dan didn't mean to, but he noticed how Chris looked up at PJ like he was the universe. But PJ just kept staring at the floor, completely unaware.

He made a mental note to see if that happens again.

"Well, she basically said it was about Shakespeare," Phil explained. "So like we do a presentation on his life or something. Maybe even do a drawing of him. I don't know, she said to make it original."

Chris let out a small laugh, quickly looking away from PJ, "Original? Me, obviously." He joked. PJ laughed slightly, and Dan saw Chris' cheeks turn bright red.

Dan smiled when he saw Chris quickly steal another look at PJ again. How did he not notice this before? It was so obvious!

Chris liked PJ!

Or at least, that's what Dan guessed. This is his second day, and he could already tell that PJ meant something to Chris. Maybe it was just a best friend love, or maybe it was more.

But what ever it was, it was beautiful, and it was new. And that's how Dan suddenly got the idea for the project.

"How about we do it about his love life?" He blurted out. They all turned to look at him, so he continued. "Like the hidden love messages in his work, I'm sure people won't do that. But I got to admit, I'm a sucker for love."

Phil nodded, "That's a great idea Dan!" He praised, making Dan feel all warm inside.

Chris nodded also, "Yeah, it's," he paused, looking for the right word. "Sweet." He finished.

PJ just flashed Dan a smile, "Maybe Chris was right, you are creative."

He could have sworn he felt Phil stiffen next to him, but what made him do that surely passed, because Phil was back to normal after a few seconds.

"How about you all come to mine tomorrow night?" Dan questioned. "We can start it, and get it all done out of the way so we don't have to worry about it. How long do we have to complete it?" He asked them.

Chris stopped for a moment before he remembered the answer, "I think she said six weeks?" He said, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"Okay, thanks. That should be more than enough time."

Chris winked at him as a reply, and once again he felt Phil stiffen.

And Dan once again, hopelessly hoped it was because of him.

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