Twenty-One - Those Who Argue

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Argue: exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way.

It was now Monday.

The weekend had been horrible. He'd hardly gotten any sleep, he hadn't heard anything from Chris and PJ and the worst thing of all...Phil hadn't spoken a word to him.

He hated the boys who did this with a passion. They were the reason Dan and Phil had broken up. They were the reason Dan and Phil were sad right now. But then again, if Dan had just told the truth none of this would be happening.

He didn't even know if him and Phil had broken up, but he assumed they had. That was the worst feeling in the world.

And the fact that he had to go back home didn't help.

Eleanor had seen the video and was fuming, she called up Dan's parents and demanded they got someone to take it down. The video was taken down Sunday night but Dan knew that even though it was gone from the Internet, it wasn't gone from people's minds.

His parents said he had to come back home on the Friday, so starting from Monday he'd have five days to pack up and say goodbye to his friends. Little did they know he probably didn't have any anymore.

But now it was Monday, and he was going to apologise to Phil and everybody else. Hopefully then Phil would come round to his house and convince Eleanor and his parents to let him stay. However, he knew deep down that wouldn't happen.

"Oh sweetheart," Eleanor cooed as she bought Dan into a hug before he went into school. "I know it hurts right now but-"

"It won't stop hurting, Els. There's nothing I or you could do, there's nothing millions of pounds could do, it's never gonna stop! Why did I hurt him and everybody else?" He sighed. "I wish I could stay..."

"It may seem like that-"

"It is that. And forever will be. See you when I get home." He snapped, grabbed his bag and walked out the door. He didn't mean to be so rude to his auntie, after all she was only trying to help. He was just so angry with himself.

He walked into school with his head down, not making eye contact with anybody. He was gonna talk to Phil after school, because luckily Geography was his last period class. Nobody said a word to him, all they did was stare.

Now he just had to wait.

It was his last lesson with Phil, and honestly, he looked terrible. He had dark bags under his eyes and Dan didn't see him smile once, even though Chris and PJ were constantly telling him jokes.

Phil was right next to him yet it felt like he was miles apart. It was almost like he wasn't even there at all.

The bell rang and Dan sprung upwards, quickly packing everything away just so he'd have a chance to talk to Phil.

He was walking out the gates with Chris and PJ, it was now or never. Hardly anybody was around as they were going out the back way, so that was a bonus.

"Phil, wait!" Phil didn't stop. "Please," He grabbed his arm and turned him around. "Please listen!"

"I don't want to listen, let go of me." Phil told him.

Dan sighed as he let go of him, "Just a few minutes, and then I'll never talk to you again, if that's what you want. Please - let me explain."

Phil looked over at Chris and PJ, "You guys go on, I'll catch up with you."

Once they were gone, Phil turned back to Dan.

"Go on then, explain. Explain to me just exactly why you decided to lie and hurt everybody who you love."

Dan ran a hand through his hair, tears already in his eyes, "The video was true, I-I am a prince."

Phil narrowed his eyes, "So you texted me saying that it wasn't true, and now you're saying it is? When will the lies stop?" He threw his hands up in defeat.

"Here. They stop here. Everything on that video was true." Dan confirmed.

Hurt flashed through Phil's face, "So you think I am a peasant? You're saying that was true too?"

He mentally kicked himself, he forgot about that part, "No I-" Dan tried to defend himself.

"What was I, some kind of charity case? I didn't need saving, I just needed you." Phil snapped, tears falling down his pale face.

"Remember what you told me when we first met?" His eyes softened, and in that second they both calmed down. "That there is always one source of happiness in every situation, what about this one?" Dan asked. "When I first met you I thought you had beautiful eyes, I still do..." He placed his hand on Phil's cheek, only for Phil to slap his hand away.

"No," Phil whispered. "There's not. You can't fix this. Everybody thinks I'm a laughing stock. Everybody thinks I'm dirt."

"They think I'm a laughing stock too! And you're not dirt," He told him. "Maybe when I leave they'll stop bothering me." Dan muttered.

"What?" Phil whispered. "You're leaving? You're hoping that they'll stop bothering you? What about me? You're trying to convince me that you care, when as soon as things get tough you run away to your fancy posh kingdom only to leave me here to be tortured?"

"I was going to tell you Phil about everything but I just couldn't." Dan looked down at the floor.

"Did it really kill you that much inside to tell the truth? Or did you just never trust me?" Phil asked him.

Dan stayed silent. Speaking was only making things worse.

"That's what I thought," Phil whispered. "You know what, you go. You go to your kingdom and forget about the little peasant boy who loved you to pieces. I won't talk about you, and you won't talk about me. We can pretend this never happened, like we never happened. 'Cause that's obviously what you want."

Dan took a deep breath, he knew he was losing him, "I usually have trouble saying this, I'm not good with this and I never thought I would, but - damn Phil, I think I love you. Please, don't say goodbye like this."

"No, you're a monster. And monsters aren't those who love." Phil whispered, and began to walk away. Dan looked up as Phil threw something to the floor.

"Have your stupid book back. Goodbye Dan, hope it was worth it."

Dan looked down at the floor to see his Maze Runner book that he gave to Phil. The book that first bought them together, on the floor.

And just like that, Phil was gone, and Dan was heartbroken.

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