Nineteen - Those Who Bully

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Bully: a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

It had been two weeks since Dan and Phil started dating.

All was well, better than well actually. Dan doesn't think he's ever been this happy before. Phil lights up his day and he just...he likes him so much.

It's basically been a month now he's known Phil, even though it has only felt like a day. Time goes fast when you're having fun, right?

Chris and PJ are still dating too and made the best decision to rename their group chat to the "four mustaqueers" and also, to everybody else's distress - their English project.

He was just so thankful for his friends, he's never really had real ones. Back at his home not many people wanted to be friends with him, in fear that they'd do something wrong and they'd be chucked into the dungeons.

They didn't even use the dungeons anymore. It was 2016.

The only friends he ever had were the maids and butlers, who gave him some company.

Nevermind that time when his parents got him a "boyfriend" in secret too. That "relationship" only lasted a day.

And so Dan was content with his life right now, and once again, all was well.

At least that was what he thought.


Dan, Phil, Chris and PJ walked down the corridor to lunch. They were laughing at a joke Chris had just made as they made their way to their lunch area. Literally nobody else sat there, so it was nice.

Suddenly Dan felt a tug on one of his arms and he was pulled to the side.

Phil stopped, terror in his eyes, "Um, Dan are you okay?"

Dan looked up to see the boys who bullied Phil, the ones he payed.

"Yeah, I'm friends with these guys. I'll catch up with you." Dan replied, seeing Phil's hurt expression.

Dan sighed quietly, he just realised that from Phil's perspective, he'd just become friends with Phil's bullies even when he knew who they were. He'd talk to him later about it.

When his friends were gone far enough, Dan turned around.

"What do you want? I thought we were done with our deal?" He said almost angrily.

One of the boys laughed, "Done? No, we've got another deal."

Dan shrugged and began to walk away, "I'm not interested."

"Oh but we think you will be when you hear it, Howell. Or should I say, the little prince who didn't get enough action so he traveled all the way over here to get some?"

Dan's eyes widened, "I-I don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered out.

One of the boys who he knew as Louis stepped forward, "We know what you're talking about though, isn't that right boys? This little kid over here is a prince."

Dan sighed heavily again, "Look, what deal were you talking about?"

Alec and Magnus looked at each other smirking, "We won't tell anybody about you being royalty, not even your boyfriend," Relief flushed through Dan. "If you pay us back the money and give us money whenever we want."

"Done!" Dan quickly shouted.

The boys smirked and laughed, there were only a few of them today. Looked like some of the boys from before didn't want to make another deal.

Dan looked down at his shoes, he felt dirty, like he was being used. In a way he was. But the lies were spinning out of control, and he had to stop it now.

"Actually," He raised his voice. "I'm not. I don't agree with this." He took a deep breath, feeling himself shaking with rage.

One of the boys which he didn't know the name of raised his eyebrow, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"You heard me! I'm not scared of you!" He lied. "It's all unfair, you can't push people around to get what you want. I am not going to be a victim to your bullying. You're just bullies! Don't you dare tell anybody, I bet they won't believe you anyways."

With that, he ran. He ran all the way back to Phil to hold him in his arms, because deep down, he knew that it could be the last time.

Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it :)
I uploaded this now because I won't be updating for a week! Sorry!

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