Chapter 1.

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My first fanfic, don't know how this is going to do but I enjoy writing so here it goes. :)

I'm Izzy Maxin, 17 years old, still a student, dark brown natural curly hair. I was what people called popular at my school. It was weird no one would treat me like a normal person anymore. All because who I had as a best friend. Harry styles, yep Harry styles is my best friend. I should probly be happy about that but I'm not. Girls only talked to me to get to him, I was sickened by it. I was getting used by everyone. Even boys, but they didn't like him, I just don't get it!! Yes I had the member of the hottest boy band on the planet as my best friend. I did have some great friends though but harry was my best friend along with my other best friend Imogen. They were the best.

I was sat on my bedroom floor on my laptop looking at twitter. Seeing what harry was doing, no I am not stalking him just want to see what he's up too.

I was quite lucky I had all 5 boys following me on twitter. I always get hate of the fans but harry says to ignore them as they are just jealous. I of course agreed with him and carried on with my life. About an hour later I thought I'd head to bed my eyes are giving way. Not going to do what I've done before. I got so tired, and fell asleep whilst on twitter and I woke up and my whole laptop went all weird took ages to fix. So going to try and get some sleep as it is 2am.

***you don't know oh oh you don't know your beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful*** shit shit shit, 5 am in England harry why you calling now!! You are in England so why are you awake I said in my head.

"What do you want!!" I said sleepily but loud, "Iz sorry for waking you I need to talk to you" He begged me.

"Harry what the hells going on, why does it sound like you've been crying" I probley sounded so woozy where I just got woken up *cough harry cough*.

I've been on the phone for nearly half an hour talking to harry and finally sounds like he has calmed down. Thank god. Now time for the questions.

"Harry, what's happened anything to you or the boys and i'll hunt the person down with a spoon" I tried not to laugh at how funny I sounded but it was obvious my amazing speech didn't even cheer up my best friend. Now I'm getting worried. He was never like this, he always laughed to make me feel like a comedian.

Not one laugh. "okay harry tell me everything now!!" I know I should be nice but this is freaking me out.

"Don't hate me please" he finally spoke with maturity and no sobs in his voice.

I was worried I didn't want to know what he was going to tell me. I was literally crapping myself. Our friendship was always happy and cheerful now it's gone upside down. "Tell me please harry" I spoke with nervous cracks in my voice. When he told me why he was so upset, it made me laugh.

He 'accidentally spoke about me on the radio and told them some details of our friendship but he was worried the media would twist that around so that's why he wanted me to know.

To be honest it didn't bother me one bit. Me and harry would never break up because if media. But media can be very nasty sometimes. It likes to twist things so that's why harry might of been worried. Once on the cover of OK! Magazine, Louis girlfriend Eleanor got accused of cheating on Louis, he was heartbroken, but if course it wasn't true. The picture of Eleanor cheating was a best standard edit. I even thought it was true. But the truth got out from the publisher and it was all fake. Now lou and el are stronger than ever. Okay focus izzy back to yours and Harry's friendship. Well we have been friends since I moved in next door to him when I was 4. We would never spend a few days without seeing each other. Our mums always thought we would date but we never did just BFF in my book. It is kinda awesome to have a celebrity as your best friend but there can be hiccups like the one he just told me, but he worry's to much silly boy.

I shit I must of been In this daydream for about a minute before harry screamed down the phone "IZZYYYYY" huhhhhhh I was confused then i realized I was still on the phone.

Whoops. "oh poo sorry Haz, snapped out it is 6am buddy" I laughed at myself.

"Iz you don't know how strange you are girl" he laughed teasing me.

"harry it's alright for you, I got interrupted by a curly fry while I was in a very good dream." Okay I'm hoping he doesn't ask about the dream, it's kind of embarrassing as its got him in it.

"Oh and what might this very good dream be then" he said. Oh shit he asked, hmm quick izzy make something up!!

"Well I was flying in the sky that's all" oh smart one the izzy, real smooth. Harry couldn't stop laughing.

"That is the most made up dream yet iz" shoot shoot he didn't believe me. Damn.

"Oh well I think it was a very good made up dream" oh well done just dropped yourself in it now.

"Hahaha told ya, geez I'm always right" harry was so cocky when he was right its annoying.

"Well I'm sorry harry but I'm going back to sleep before I say anything else that will make you proud" I said acting very tired. It works every time.

"Aww okay, sweet cat dreams iz" he can be sweet.

"Text me when you wake up and I will give you another amazing call, okay bye izzy" he is so best friendly, it's amazing.

"Okay by Harold" with that I hung up and plonked my head on the pillow and instantly fell asleep dreaming happily again. That was until I got woken up by my annoying little sister Alice because she it bored and thought it would be fun to wake me up! Thanks.

Well it's 11am so I might as well get up. So I grabbed my dressing gown, and headed for the stairs. WAIT forgot my baby (aka my phone) I grabbed my iPhone and headed back for the stairs. And I did what I do best. Tripped over my own feet and feel halfway down the stairs. How clever am I. Must be the fifth time this month. I really do have two left feet. Well I survived and headed over to the sofa plopping my butt down on the sofa. And relax time was on the go.

To - Harry
Hey harry, finally awake. Also fell down the stairs 

instantly 2 minutes after it sent I just got a text from harry

From - Harry

i knew all along you was a zombie.

I spent all day lazying on the couch, texting, tweeting and calling. What a social person I am.



So there's my first chapter :) 

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