Chapter 6

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omg cant believe i have like 37 reads and 6 votes. so happy didn't think i would get that many!! thankyou so much!!

so here i am at 7pm, doing nothing. I am just too scared to, I threw up when i got home it's all the stress, I hate it. People would probley say that it's only messages and calls no big deal.. but it's a huge deal to me.

Here it goes again my phone beeps because i have recieved a text, as I oicked up my phone I started to shake like crazy. I looked at the text and of course it's from that unknown number what a surprise! the text said 'you have been sitter there a while now, hope everything is okay for your sake' SHIT. I wanted to know how the hell they can see me in MY living room on MY couch. this is getting worse.

i ran up the stairs as fast as i could and headed straight for my bed. Hiding in the covers i cried myself to sleep. I wanted this to be over, and for them to leave me alone! 

3am in the morning, what the fidge! why am i awake at this time of the morning. As i looked for my phone on my dressing table i grabbed it and looked at what was going on. I had 3 missed calls, one from my stalker and the other 2 from Harry. Shit i forgot to call him! The last time he called was 10 minuites ago, so i gave him a text to see if he was still awake. within a minuite the phone started ring, I looked at the called ID and it was harry.

 I picked up the phone as quickly as i could and spoke to him.

"Harry what the hell are you doing awake at this time" i quickly said.

"Oh nice to hear you too Izz, I just wanted to make sure you was okay. Imogen text me earliar saying that you didn't seem yourself--"

"So why didn't you call earliar haz" did i sound harsh I hope not, he was only looking out for me.

"I've been so busy with recording and packing a i thought now was the best time to call" he chuckled as he said the last bit.

"oh right okay, I know you want to know how i am but you need to sleep you are driving her tomorrow remember" this boy really needs to remember these things.

"Shoot, I forgot I had to drive, We'll talk tomorrow as soon as i get there, okay. Night Izzy" aww bless him, tired harry is amusing.

"okay night harry" with that we hung up, now to wait. I can't wait to see him now" 


"Izzy, Izzy wake up you have a visitor" what, who, when??? I questioned in my head. OMG harry is home!!! i looked at my phone and had got a text about 5 minuites ago from Harry sating that he was here. I just loked my phone and ignored everything to do with that unknown number, yes i got alot of calls this morning from them. OMG i looked at the time, it was 2 pm in the afternoon!!!

I didn't care what i loked like infront of harry, I grabbed my dressing gown, and ran down the stairs to find my very happy bestfriend standing there with a massive smile on his face. I couldn't resist I hadn't seen him in so long. He opened his arms and I charged into them nearly knocking him over.

Best Day Ever. So me and Harry were hugging for about 5 minuites, then we broke apart with huge grins on our faces.I was so glad to see him. But my smile soon disapeared when i felt something vibrate in my pocket. As i reached for it, it could only be one person- my stalkers.

Harry and I both looked at my phone until he broke the silence "wanna talk about it buddy" I nodded trying not to let the tears fall as we entered the garden. We had the biggest conversation ever. I told him everything, showed all the texts they sent and showed him all the calls they made to me. Once i finished explaining he looked gobsmacked. I never thought something like this would happen and he was probley thinking the excact same thing.

Okay i don't know if this chapter posted twice or not but my computer mucked up and said it failed to update so i'm trying again as i have no idea. Thankyou for reading!!! x

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