Chapter 55

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"Yes of course"I said quite loudly.

"Really"he asked.

"Yes harry" I said and then got a shock when harry crashed his lips on mine and we shared a very loving kiss. I was so madly in love with this boy.

"I will have to clear it with management but they will be fine so don't worry" I couldn't stop smiling and neither could harry.

"Wait I've got sixth form harry" I remembered.

"You could finish in london" he smiled.

"Okay" I squeeled and hugged him.

I let out a huge yawn and harry laughed.

"You tired" he smirked.

"No" I told him but let out another yawn which made it obvious.

"Let's go to bed" he said and we climbed into bed and fell asleep in each others arms, in a deep sleep.

(A/n this is a dream, I repeat a dream)

I was lying in a cold area, I was shivering all I could see was complete darkness, where the hell was I! I tried to discover my environment but I couldn't it was pitch black, I crawled around this room trying to find a exit but there wasn't one. I was stuck in here,I haven't got a clue where I was or how long I have been here or even how I got here.

"Ah the bitch is awake" a male voice said when a bright light entered the room.

"Where am I, who are you" I asked shaking.

"Anough with the questions" the man said while entering the now lit up room. I was in a white room, nothing in here just four walls that's it.

"Who" before I could finish my question I looked up and discovered the man who made my life absolute hell. It was kirk,he was here, he had got me again.

"You remember me" he smirked and crouched down to my level.

"That week was fun weren't it" he spoke evily.

"Noooooo" I screamed as he put his hand over my mouth.

(A/n end of dream)

"Izzy" I heard a faint voice.

"Izzy wake up" that was Harry's voice.

"Izzy" he shouted. I opened my eyes to find my very worried looking boyfriend.

"What, what it was a dream"I was shaking.

"Shh it was a dream" harry whispered hugging me into his chest, I was sobbing I really thought that was real.

"It seemed so real" I cried.

"Shh I know" he spoke calmly.

"What was the dream" he asked.

"K-k-kirk" I stuttered.

"Babe he won't hurt you okay" harry spoke soothingly.

"Okay" I carried on crying into his chest.

When we both woke up after a long sleep I felt happy inside even though I had a terrible nightmare.I called harper up telling her about my nan and she was ever so caring,she wanted to come over but I told her its fine, when the boys found out they just hugged me and that's it. So right now I'm sitting on my bed with harry until I heard my phone.

I got interupted by getting a call of the police, I have there office number just in case but why are they calling?

Me: hello

Police: is this miss maxin

Me: yeah this is she.

Police: we have very good news to tell you.

Me: okay, what is it?

Police: we have kirk!

I hung up the phone without a word and dropped it to the floor, i couldn't believe this, it was everything I wanted and I was shocked by it when I should be happy! I didn't know what to say or do I just froze. Harry was sitting on my bed with a 'what' face. I just was frozen and couldn't process any words to come out.

"Izzy!" Harry shouted. I just started at him and gave 'what the fuck' look. I didn't mean to I just couldn't believe this atall. Harry stood up and headed for the door, wait what is he doing. I quickly snapped back into reality and ran towards the door, harry was already at the stairs.

"Harry" I screamed and he carried on walking. What the fuck is going on, I just had a shock and he walks away.

"What the fuck harry" I screamed as he opened the front door.

"I can't do it anymore" he spoke up with his voice cracking and my heart breaking.

"What"I cried.

"I can't, I'm sorry" harry said while going into his house and leaving me outside by myself heartbroken. What the fuck just happened. He didn't think that was another guy on the phone did he.

I just sat there on my lawn waiting for harry to return but he never did, there wasn't a peep from his house. Just silence until Niall and Louis came out.

"Lou" I said crying. They both saw me and ran over with worried faces.

"Iz, what's happened" Niall asked with a very worried tone on his voice.

"H-harry" I sniffed.

"What about harry, where is he" Louis asked.

"He left, went in his house and left me out here, he said he couldn't do it anymore" I cried into Louis chest.

"Wait, I didn't see or hear him come in" Niall said.

"Me either,Niall go and check mate" Louis told him.

"Alright" he went inside and Louis turned to me.

"What happened" he asked softly.

"I don't know, I got a call if the police, I dropped the phone and harry stormed out and said he couldn't do it anymore" I cried and Louis expression was heartbreaking, he looked so sad that he's bestfriend has done that.

"He's probley over reacting izzy" Louis pulled me into another hug and Niall came out.

"He's in his room, he Locked the door and won't come out, Liam and zayn are trying to get him out now" Niall said out of breath.

"Izzy are you okay" Niall questioned and I nodded.

I told Niall about what happened and he looked puzzled.

"Wait what was the call" Louis asked.

"Kirk, they found him" I said softly,I looked up to see them smiling.

"Why you smiling" i asked.

"Because he's in jail" they said together.

"But harry" I said and got interupted.

"I'll go talk to him" Lou said running indoors leaving me and Niall outside on my lawn. Niall just said everything would be okay and that harry was being stupid.

"Izzy come here" Louis shouted and me and Niall made our way into Harry's house.

"What Lou" I asked but then saw a red eyed harry at the bottom of the stairs.

"Harry WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed at him and he stood back like I was going to hurt him or something.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was a guy" he spoke quietly.

I knew it, I can read harry like a book, I couldn't believe he thought I was talking to another boy. I had harry and that's it no one else. I couldn't process what's just happened so I done the best thing and ran into his Arms, he didn't mean to, he only thought and I accepted that.

"Don't ever do that again" I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry love, I just thought" he spoke into my ear.

"I love you harry Edward styles" I whispered.

"I love you too Izzy Maxin" he spoke quietly and we just stood there hugging.

"Cough, EW, cough" Louis said rather loudly.

"Now you are in love again please can we go bowling" how random was Louis.

We all went bowling together and invited harper too, now we are st on Harry's couch warn out!

(Hey guys!! Sorry for the small chapter been busy today!! But here's chapter 55)

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