Chapter 61

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Harry's POV.

I told izzy everything I could remember, I couldn't believe she said sorry to me. It's not her fault atall. Me and izzy sat with our hands together until mel stepped into the room looking at us.

"What the fuck" izzy spoke up to her.

"What" mel said confused.

"You know what" izzy said in a 'duh' voice.

"Love I ain't got a clue what your talking about" mel said in the same tone.

"Fuck off mel" I said to her causing her and izzy to open their mouths in shock.

"What she needs to fuck off" I turned to izzy to explain.

"Calm down" Izzy whisperd so i could only hear.

"Don't tell me to fuck of styles!" She shouted.

"You shut up aswell" izzy turned to her.

"Excuse me" mel said her mouth open.

"Your excused, please leave" I said trying to hold the straight face.

"Shut it" mel said to me.

"Or what" I said.

She held on to silence, me, izzy and mel didn't speak atall. Izzy had my hand she slightly squeezed it to tell me to keep calm. Of course I held on to Izzy's hand keeping my anger inside.

"Hey guys" zayn walked in with Perrie by his side. He looked to the bed next to Izzy's and his mouth hung open. He looked shocked.

"What the fuck" Zayn exclaimed.

"Zayn calm down, what's wrong" Perrie said in his ear but I heard.

"That girl" he pointed.

"Nice to see you zayn" mel said with a smirk.

Izzy's POV.

Zayn and Perrie has just walked in and zayn looks fuming and Perrie looks confused.

"Who's this girl'' Perrie asked me.

"Hun sit down" I said to her and he did but zayn had other ideas, he slipped into the chair before her and she sat on his lap. He put his arms around her waiste, she looked uneasy but she let him.

"Hi I'm mel" mel said to Perrie.

"I don't care love" Perrie replied making me smile,she wanted to know what the hell was going on and she knew she was going to find out.

"Don't speak to me that way slag" mel spoke confidently.

"Excuse me,I'm seeing my bestfriend in hospital. I didn't come to see some next up slapper which is you by the way, now please go away" Perrie said more confident.

"Now tell me what's going on" Perrie turned to me, harry and zayn.

"She's zayns ex, she broke his heart." Harry said frowning.

"I'm sorry Perrie" zayn said to her.

"Why you appoligizing you fool" Perrie said cuddleing zayn.

"Because of what she said to you, she's a bitch" zayn said while looking at mel in disgust.

"Fuck you" mel said.

"Exuse me could you please be careful with your language mel" the doctor said while entering the room.

"Izzy good news, the pain in your back was caused due to strain so there's nothing wrong however your sugar levels and heart rate are still quite not the same so we will keep you overnight we are going to put you on a drip for your sugar levels and you should be able to leave tomorrow" the doctor said.

"Thankyou so much" harry said going up to him hugging him, what the hell when harry turned to face me, he had tears in his eyes.

"No problem" he said exiting the room.

"Hey, hey what's wrong" I asked harry. Perrie and zayn shared the same expression as me.

"I don't want to loose you" he said truth ally.

I couldn't help but let the tears fall, harry was so worried and now he was crying happy tears and so was I.

"Sh, I'm not going anywhere" I told him.

A short while after,Perrie and zayn had to leave as it wasn't visiting hours. It was very late about one in the morning. It's been a long night. I'm now on a drip and hopefully I will be able to leave in the morning.

I looked over at harry who was looking at me with a sad expression on his face.

"Hey stop it" I told him and he snapped out of his thoughts.

"What" he asked.

"Looking sad, babe smile please" I asked him. And he put that winning smile on his face.

"That's better" I said while leaning over the bed to give him a sweet kiss on the lips.

" I love you Harold" I told him.

"I love you too izzold" I looked at him trying not to burst out with laughter.

"What" he asked smirking.

"Izzold really" I said still holding my laughter.

"Indeed" he said to me.

"Can you shut up" mel said from the other bed.

"Fuck off" harry said while closing her curtain being the charm he is.

We sat in silence for about twenty minutes.

"Harry" I looked at him.

"Mm" he replied.

"Promise me one thing" I said to him.

"What's that love" he asked.

"I know I always say this but-" I stopped.

"Promise me we will never break up or be apart" I said to him.

"I promise, but you have to promise me something now" he said.

"What's that babe" I asked.

"Promise me we will never stop loving each other" he said.

"I promise, I love you way to much to fall out of it" I said to him smiling.

"I think that will go for both of us" he said smiling.

I couldn't wipe my grin of my face, I was Ill in hospital but right now I've never felt better. I could feel my eyes sleeping and I couldn't resist so I fell asleep.

Harry's POV.

I couldn't keep the grin of my face, I love izzy with all my heart. She was my life now. If I lost her I don't know what I would do.

Izzy has just fell asleep with that grin plastered on her face, I was tired but I had to let this moment last for a little while longer. I pulled out my phone and went on twitter.

@Harry_styles: With my beautiful girlfriend @izzy_maxin. Hope my girl gets better soon. Love you babe. X

I had a smile on my face when I sent the tweet, I heard Izzys phone buzz notifying her about the tweet. I looked at my phone again and saw the tweets I was reciveing. All of the tweets were lovely. Mostly hoping she gets better and they love both of us.
I set my phone in my pocket and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

(A/n. Hey guys, thankyou again for the reads, apprechiate it so much!! Please comment, vote if you liked this chappie!! Thankyou!! Nicola x)

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