Chapter 63

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One year later

I was now living with harry and the boys. I was sat on the sofa bored out of my brain. I decided to go upstairs were to go.

I went upstairs to Harry's room where he was. I went into his room and he was laying on his bed looking through his phone. I stood in the doorway waiting for him to realise I was there, when he finally realised I was standing there he smiled and motioned me to join him on the bed so I did.

"You alright" he asked.

"Yeah" I said back a laid down on his chest.

"Izzy erm" he stuttered trying to get something out.

"What" I questioned.

"I need to say this" he said. It was making me worried.

"Okay here it goes, izzy i love you with all of my heart. I would do anything for you! Anything. I think if anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live. Your my heart now, I would like to leave it with you forever. I would like to spend my life with you. I would like to grow old with you and lastly I would like you to have my surname." Were the hell was he going with this.

"Izzy follow me" harry said pulling me off the bed with him.

"What the hell harry" I said while we were walking down the stairs. He led me into the garden it was really dark out here and I couldn't feel one bit of air.

Suddenly some gold lights were switched on. The boys and girls were standing there with smiles on there faces.

"Izzy maxin, I love you with all my heart and would like to live the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?" Harry asked with hope in those gorgeous green eyes of his. Suddenly I had a flashback of my life.

"Izzy" harry said, tears brimming in his eyes.

"Yes of course I will harry" suddenly I was lifted of my feet and spun around in the circle.

"I love you" harry said while placing a diamond silver ring on my finger.

"And I love you harry" everyone clapped and I could see Louis had tears in he's eyes.

"Aw Lou" I teased him.

"Shut it" he said while wiping his eyes.

We carried on the night celebrating,I couldn't believe I was now engaged to harry styles. This is going to be one hell of a life but atleast it will be with harry.

A few days later.

Ah I am engaged to harry! I couldn't believe he popped the question! I was so happy at the moment. I was standing In the kitchen cooking some breakfast for the gang as I was first up.

"Hey mrs. Future styles" Eleanor said while entering the kitchen.

"Hey el" I said smiling.

"So how's engaged life" she asked.

"It's good" I told her.

"I wish Louis would propose" she said frowning.

"Oh do you now" Louis said while entering the room.

"Yeah I do actually tomlinson" she sai shyly.

"The time will come" he said and walked away. Causing Eleanor to jump in excitement.

"El shh,he didn't propose" I told her.

"I know but still" she said.

"Alright el" I said to her smiling.

We were all now sitting at the table eating breakfast. We were all happy.

"Izzy can we pick a date, it's may now I really want to get married in the summer" harry told me.

"How about July" I asked. Harry smiled.

"July the 20th" he said.

"July the 20th" I smiled.

July 20th 2014.

It was my wedding day, I was rushing around like a complete maniac. I kept getting told of and that other people would do that.

"I'm so scared" I said to Lou, one directions stylist.

"It's going to be fine" she assured me.

"I sure hope so" I smiled into the mirror.

Now it was time to get into the dress, I was dreading this, really dreading the dress incase it didn't think or didn't look right.

I slipped the dress on with help from Eleanor and harper, and Perrie, dani were still trying to calm my nerves.

"It looks stunning" Eleanor said smiling.

"It sure does" harper agreed with her.

There was a knock on the door and it showed Niall, he was giving me away as he was my bestfriend and I course I didn't have my dad.

"You look amazing izzy, all of you do"he smiled.

"Thankyou Niall" I told him, and the girls also thanked him.

"It's time!" He said.

"No no no" I panicked.

"It will be fine"

We have just pulled up outside the church and I couldn't stop panicking. I was in the car with Niall, he has become a big brother too me. He was always there.

"Izzy you ready" he asked.

"Nope" I told him as he opened the door.

The girls all looked amazing with baby pink dresses on and there hair curled. They looked incredible.

"C'mon iz" Perrie and dani said. They entered the church one by one and before I knew it it was my turn.

I got through it! Me and harry are finally passed the boring stuff and now were at the I do's.

"Harry Edward styles do you take Izzy maxin to be your wife" the preist asked.

"I do" he said.

"And Izzy maxin do you take harry Edward styles to be your husband" the preist asked.

"I do"

"Without any thurther ado, you may kiss your bride"

We shared a long passionate kiss while everyone clapped and cheered.

This was my life now and I couldn't wish for anything better.


There is an epilogue being write, will be posted very soon!! Hope you all enjoyed my story. Thankyou!

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