Chapter 58

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"No I refuse to play" I said for the hundredth time.

"You are playing" Eleanor said from the other side of the couch.

"No way" I screamed.

I ran away hoping to find a hiding space but then I remembered this is our first night at the boys house so this isn't going to go well. I jumped as I heard someone following me, I went ino ninja mode and crept like I was on a mission. The the person touched my shoulder causing me to kick very high in there area.

It was harry, whoopsie.

"Izzy" he screamed and I just legged it trying to find somewhere to hide.

Wait wait wait I just remembered dani is here as her and Liam agreeded on starting again woooo!!!!! Back to hiding.

Hm so there's a room, who's room am I in. It's tidy and a boys room, they should never be in the same sentence.

"Izzy" I heard everyone shout and I started to crawl in a closet.

Ha they will never find me now, I will stay in here until we go for our flight in two days. What is the day today? Well we go Wednesday so it must be Monday.

"I think I've found her" that was Niall and he sounds very close by. Shit.

The closet door opened then he saw me.

"Ha ha ha" he laughed.

"Shh please" I begged him.

"Nope, GUYS SHE'S IN HERE" he screamed.

Damn they are all coming up here I can hear there footsteps. No way is I playing truth or dare. Never.

So they all found me and dragged me downstairs to the living room, we was all in a circle playing truth or dare. I'm refusing to say anything.

"Dani, truth or dare" Niall asked her.

"Truth" she replied.

"Why did you and Liam give things another go?" He asked and I could see she was blushing.

"Because I love him" she said shyly.

"Aww" he piped.

"Okay harry truth or dare" dani asked

"T- dare" he said being brave.

"I dare you to post on twitter that you are In deep love with Lou and you would marry him and have cats together" she smiled.

"No" he simply said.

"Yes" she said back in the same tone. They went on like this for about five minuites before her gave up and handed dani his phone.

My phone beeped to show I had a new notification and it was twitter.

@harry_styles: Im in deep love with @louis_tomlinson I want to marry him and have cats together. That is all.

I smiled at the tweet then got another notification.

@louis_tomlinson: I love you too Harold! I will love to marry you.

I just giggled at that tweet and them they began playing the game again. It was Harry's turn.

"Izzy truth or dare babe" he asked smirking and I just looked up to the ceiling like I couldn't hear him atall.

"Iz" he said louder.

"Alright then, erm Eleanor truth or dare." He asked her.

"Erm truth" she looked terrified.

"What's your most embarrassing moment" harry asked her.

"Ermm" she said holding it.

"Well it's got to be that time I was in the shopping centre with Louis and there were paps there, Louis made me dance with him in the isle while they were snapping them I bent to take a bow with Lou and my jeans ripped" she said whilst going red. Everyone burst out laughing,holding on to there stomaches to stop laughing.

"Alright, alright! Harper truth or dare" she asked.

"Dare" she said.

"Seven minuites in heaven with Nialler" she replied and instantly they were both heading to a closet pretty fast. Dirty children.

"Okay well lets carry on, Liam truth or dare" el asked.

"Dare" he said.

"Lou you can pick" and Liam's face dropped,god knows what Louis would pick for Liam.

"Hmmmmm" Louis said stroking his chin pretending to have a beard.

"I dare you to run up and down our street in your boxers screaming 'I love mr Tomlinson" he said cracking a smile.

"No way" Liam snapped.

"Yes way!" Louis snapped back.

"Fine" he slouched and started to undress.

"My eyes" I Over reacted.

"Oh shut up" Lou said to me and I did.

"Oh my good god" I laughed as Liam was running up and down the street screaming I love Louis Tomlinson. All the neighbours were looking out there windows with disgust which made it the more funnier.

"I hate you all" Liam said whilst walking up the path.

"Good on you mate" we all said together. All ten of us were outside laughing our heads off while Liam made his way indoors with a very angry tone on his voice.

"What now I asked"

"MURDER IN THE DARK" Eleanor and Louis said at the same time. This is going to be fun.

(Sorry this chapter isn't that big! I'm with my best mate for a few days so haven't had alot of time to write! Will update again when I can!! Thankyou for reading, hope you liked it!)

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